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Beth ended up staying home with Judy the next day. She was still asleep when Quinn left, so Quinn slipped out after making arrangements with her mother.

As soon as she got out of her car in the McKinley parking lot, Quinn ran into Puck and Ally.

"Morning." Puck muttered.

"Morning." Quinn repeated. "Can we talk?"

"Yeah." Puck nodded as he looked at Ally. "I'll meet you in the choir room, okay? Five minutes."

Ally nodded back and kissed Puck long enough to make Quinn uncomfortable before finally walking away.

"Everyone's on your side, you know." Quinn began.

"It's not about sides." Puck said. "It's not supposed to be you against me. We're supposed to be a team. For Beth."

"Well, I was thinking about everything last night and then I talked to Finn." Quinn continued. "And I know he's right. You're doing your best."

Puck looked at Quinn.

"It wasn't fair of me to throw juvie in your face and I'm sorry." Quinn apologized. "But I want things to be better."

"Me, too." Puck said.

"I don't care who you sleep with." Quinn clarified.

"Me and Ally aren't just sleeping together, Quinn." Puck told Quinn. "It's kinda serious."

"I don't need to know anything about who you're seeing." Quinn said, shaking her head. "Honestly, I don't wanna know. I only need to know how it'll impact Beth."

"Well, Beth seems to like her." Puck noted.

Quinn nodded slowly. "My point is, personal feelings aside, I can't take you away from Beth. She doesn't deserve that."

"So does that mean I can see her?" Puck asked with a small smile.

"Yes." Quinn said. "But we need to set up some ground rules. And boundaries."

Puck nodded. "Anything."

"Your girlfriend needs to understand that when I call or text you, I need to get in contact with you." Quinn explained.

"I've talked to her about that." Puck told Quinn.

"Just refresh her memory." Quinn requested. "Because if it happens again, I'm done. And this is the only time I'm gonna warn you."

"Okay." Puck said. "I'll talk to her again."

Quinn nodded. "I also want Beth to see your mom while she's here. It's good for her to know your family and spend time with them."

"Yeah, my mom would like that." Puck said. "Sarah, too."

"Well, let me know when they're free and I'll drop Beth off." Quinn replied.

"I will." Puck nodded. "Thanks, Quinn. I won't let you down."

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