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"Now we can work on that big group number." Mr. Schue said after the performance.

"Mr. Schue." Brittany said. "I think we should take a break. I'm sweating."

"Me, too." Artie replied.

"Alright, everybody, take five!" Mr. Schue exclaimed. "Great job, ladies! What a way to wrap up your first assignment."

Quinn smiled as she left the choir room with Santana and Brittany. The trio went to the bathroom to freshen up.

"We had the best performance out of everybody." Santana stated. "No contest."

"Finn and Puck were pretty good." Quinn replied.

"You're only saying that because you're in love with him." Santana responded.

"Finn's taken, Quinn." Brittany added.

"Not Finn, Britt." Santana muttered.

"I'm not in love with Puck." Quinn said. "We have history and he's Beth's dad, so I'll always love him, but I'm not in love with him."

Before any of the girls could say anything else, Ally walked out of one of the stalls.

"You guys did a great job with your performance." Ally said with a smile as she went to the sink to wash her hands. "Noah never said you could sing and dance like that, Quinn."

"Well, Santana's a much better singer than I am and Brittany is the best dancer." Quinn responded.

"You're so honest." Ally smiled. "I can totally see where Bella gets it from."

"It's Beth." Quinn corrected Ally. "Noah named her."

"Right." Ally nodded. "Well, she's a good kid. I'm really happy that I have plenty of time to get to know her."

Quinn raised her eyebrow and glanced at Santana and Brittany. Santana looked like she was ready to attack as soon as Quinn gave her the word.

"Hey, guys." Rachel said as she entered the bathroom. "Everyone's back in the choir room. Come on."

Quinn put on her bitch smirk and led the way out of the bathroom. When she got back to the choir room, she sat down beside Sam.

"Mr. Schue, I think we should do boys versus girls next and end the week with a big group number all together." Finn suggested.

"Finn's right." Blaine agreed. "It'll be nice to end the week united."

"The tribe has spoken." Mr. Schue replied. "The boys can rehearse here and the girls can rehearse in the auditorium."

"Mr. Schue, can Kurt be on our team?" Rachel requested as everyone got up and started to move.

"Kurt can be on whatever team he wants." Mr. Schue nodded.

"If Kurt can be on the girls' team, I wanna be on the boys' team." Brittany decided.

"Britt, no." Santana shook her head. "We need you on our side."

"Wait, doesn't Kurt being on the girl's team make the numbers uneven?" Sam asked.

"So take Amy." Santana shrugged.

"Ally." Ally corrected her.

"Whatever." Santana said.

"Amy can't sing." Puck added as he looked at Ally. "Can you?"

Ally shook her head and sighed. "Ally."

"Whatever." Santana repeated. "You guys are wasting time and you're just using having less people as an excuse."

"She's right." Blaine muttered as he turned to Finn and Sam. "I could choreograph something for us."

"Let's leave the choreography to Mike." Finn said as he looked at Santana.

"You know what? It doesn't matter." Puck said. "We all know Mr. Schue isn't gonna pick a winner anyway because he never does."

"I'm picking a winner this time." Mr. Schue assured everyone. "Actually, I'm not picking. But I have a panel of judges coming in."

"Who?" Rachel asked.

"You'll see." Mr. Schue smiled. "Go rehearse."

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