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Let's continue the gleeunion. Breadstix tonight at 8!!

Beth and I can't make it

Quinn looked at her phone and saw that Puck texted her separately.

are you & B leaving Lima tomorrow?



my mom wants to see her again. Can I watch her tonight while you're at Breadstix?

You're not going?

I didn't think you'd want me to

If you wanna go, then go

Are you sure?

Quinn rolled her eyes as she went back to the groupchat.

I'll be there

Noah & Ally will be there, too

Quinn pocketed her phone and looked at Judy. "Is it okay with you if I go out for dinner with my friends tonight?"

"You're an adult." Judy said. "You don't have to ask me."

"No, I meant if Beth stays here." Quinn explained. "Well, actually, I think Puck's mom wants to see her since we're leaving tomorrow."

"You're leaving tomorrow?" Judy asked.

"Yeah, I have to get out of here." Quinn said.

Judy furrowed her eyebrow.

"We just need to get started with our life in New York." Quinn clarified. "I love visiting you, Mom, but I've outgrown Lima."

Judy nodded slowly, catching on to what Quinn was talking about. "Well, if it's your last night here, I wanna spend time with Beth, too."

"Yeah." Quinn said. "I'll text-"

"Text Ruth that she's welcome to come over here." Judy cut Quinn off.

"Does that mean I need to stay home?" Quinn wondered. "You and Ruth never get along."

"We will." Judy promised. "I'll make sure Beth has dinner and I'll get her to bed early. Go have fun with your friends."

"Are you sure?" Quinn asked. "I can stay here if that makes it easier."

"Go." Judy commanded. "Go get ready."

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