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"Okay, judges, let's start with your comments." Mr. Schue decided when the girls were done performing.

"My only comment is that my lesson on sex and being sexy totally stuck with the girls." Holly smiled proudly. "You ladies killed it!"

"Thanks, Miss H." Santana smiled.

"I gotta hand it to the boys." Coach Beiste said, shaking her head. "Featuring Noah, Blaine, and Artie's voices was a good move. The song choice was good and I think that's the best I've ever seen Finn dance."

Finn furrowed his eyebrow and smiled, unsure if it was a compliment or not.

"I disagree." Holly said. "The girls had Rachel, Mercedes, and Tina, aka the best singers of everyone here. And on top of that they had a dance break with Brittany, Quinn, and Santana."

"April? Beth? What did you think?" Mr. Schue wondered.

"Mommy's song was better." Beth said.

Puck made a face.

"April?" Mr. Schue asked.

"I always had a soft spot for these boys. They've all grown into fine and sexy young men." April noted. "But I have to agree with Holly. The girls were just a tiny bit better this time around."

"Alright!" Mr. Schue exclaimed as he started clapping. "Let's give it up for the ladies! Our first battle of the sexes winners."

The girls smiled excitedly and hugged each other as they celebrated their win.

"Let's all take a break for lunch and regroup in, like, half an hour." Mr. Schue said. "We'll be in the teacher's lounge."

Quinn looked at Beth as the glee clubs started breaking off into groups and figuring out lunch. "You did a good job, B. I'm proud of you."

"Thanks, Mommy." Beth smiled. "Can we go get lunch with Finn?"

"Daddy and I need to talk privately first." Quinn told Beth. "Can you go with Finn and we'll meet you there?"

Beth nodded, too hungry to even realize what Quinn was saying. The young blonde ran off after Finn, leaving Quinn alone in the hall outside of the auditorium.

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