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Quinn overslept in the morning and was rushing around to get ready for her battle of the sexes performance. She decided to text Puck while she and Beth ate breakfast.

Overslept. Finishing breakfast. We can talk at lunch today.

Puck's response came almost immediately.

Thank you

Suddenly not hungry, Quinn pocketed her phone and began cleaning up from breakfast. She finished getting ready before heading to McKinley with Beth.

Quinn took Beth's hand as they walked through the halls of McKinley. They entered the choir room and saw that everyone else was already there.

"Sorry we're late." Quinn apologized. "I overslept."

"No worries, Quinn, you're actually right on time." Mr. Schue replied. "I was just about to bring out the panel of judges."

"That's me!" Beth said as Quinn sat down in the front, pulling Beth onto her lap.

Mr. Schue nodded. "Beth, you'll get to sit at the judge's table in the auditorium along with..."

"Hola, clase." Holly grinned as she entered the choir room.

"Yes!" Brittany exclaimed as she started clapping.

"Hey, Puckerman. Where's my buttered floor?" Holly asked with a smile.

"I'd really like to butter something else." Puck responded.

Holly winked at Puck.

Quinn looked at Puck and rolled her eyes.

"Our next guest is Miss April Rhodes!" Mr. Schue announced, moving things along.

April entered the room with a grin on her face and a flask in her hand. "Hey, kids!"

Tina and Mercedes looked at each other and grinned.

"Who's this little pipsqueak?" April asked, looking at Beth.

"This is my daughter, Beth." Quinn answered.

"She's mine, too." Puck added.

"Barely." Quinn mumbled.

"Enough." Santana hissed.

"Our third judge is Coach Beiste!" Mr. Schue announced.

"See, guys?" Finn said. "We still stand a chance. Coach Beiste will pick us for sure."

"I'll pick whichever team does a better job." Coach Beiste informed everyone, smiling as she looked around the room.

"Okay, now that we have our judges, why don't we take this into the auditorium and get started?" Mr. Schue said. "Boys are up first."

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