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On Friday, Quinn brought Beth to Finn and Rachel's apartment.

"Are you sure you don't wanna come, Mommy?" Beth asked as they waited in the hall.

"I have errands to take care of this weekend." Quinn told Beth. "Besides, Daddy doesn't need me there. He has you."

Beth frowned at Quinn.

"You're gonna be so pretty in your dress." Quinn smiled as she crouched down in front of Beth and tucked her hair behind her ear. "Rachel's gonna take lots of pictures and... and Daddy's gonna be so happy."

Beth wrapped her arms around Quinn's neck and hugged her. "I love you, Mommy. I'll miss you."

"I love you, too." Quinn smiled as she held Beth for a moment. She took a deep breath as she let go and stood up. "I should let you two go."

Rachel shrugged. "No rush."

Quinn nodded as she looked at Rachel. "Give Puck my best."

Rachel nodded back. "If you need anything this weekend, Finn's around."

"I think I wanna be alone." Quinn said. "But thank you."

Rachel looked at Beth. "Alright, Beth. We should go."

"I'll walk out with you." Quinn decided.

Quinn walked out with Rachel and Beth. They said goodbyes again before going their separate ways with Rachel and Beth heading to the train station and Quinn heading back to her apartment.

As soon as Quinn closed the apartment door, all she could think about was Puck getting married.

The more Quinn thought about it, the more upset she became until she broke down and started crying.

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