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At the end of the day, Quinn headed back to her mom's. She was greeted at the door by Beth.

"I missed you today, Mommy." Beth said.

"I missed you, too." Quinn smiled. "Did you have fun with Grandma?"

"Yeah." Beth replied. "She's making dinner."

"Okay." Quinn said as she closed the front door. "Do you wanna see Mommy and Daddy perform in glee club this week?"

Beth nodded excitedly. "When?"

"You can come with me the rest of the week." Quinn told Beth. "Okay?"

"Okay." Beth grinned happily.

Quinn smiled. "Daddy's gonna take you to see Bubbe and Aunt Sarah soon."

"Will you come see them, too?" Beth wondered.

"I don't know." Quinn shrugged. "But you'll get to spend time with Daddy and his family."

"Without you?" Beth frowned as Quinn's phone went off.

"Maybe I'll come." Quinn told Beth. "Can you go tell Grandma I'm home?"

Beth nodded and ran back to the kitchen.

Quinn put her phone to her ear as she answered the call. "Hey, Puck."

"Hey." Puck said. "I just talked to my mom. She'll be home for dinner tomorrow night."

"You can take Beth after glee then." Quinn responded.

"Well, it's gonna be a big thing." Puck explained. "Jake's in town now, too, and everyone wants both of you to come."

"And Ally is okay with that?" Quinn asked.

"Yeah, she was the first one to suggest it, actually." Puck stated. "I think she might like you more than she likes me."

Quinn made a face. "Beth will be there."

"What about you?" Puck asked.

"Why do you care if I come?" Quinn wondered.

"Because." Puck responded softly. "Just come."

"I'll think about it." Quinn decided.

"You could even bring your mom, if you want." Puck added. "If you don't want her to be alone."

"Our moms in the same house isn't a good idea." Quinn said. "Do you remember any of Beth's birthdays?"

"Yeah." Puck replied. "Yeah, you're probably right. Well, I gotta go, but the offer still stands, okay? I'll see you tomorrow."

"See you tomorrow." Quinn echoed as she hung up the phone.

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