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"You love me?" Puck repeated, looking at the bartender as he gave Quinn a refill.

Quinn sipped her drink and shrugged.

"Quinn, I..." Puck bit his lip.

"I hate that I love you because we should've been a family." Quinn said. "You, me, and Beth. But instead, we wasted time with games and we couldn't get it together, and now it's too late."

"If things were different, I would-"

"I know." Quinn nodded as she stood up. She looked at Puck. "And I'll try to find a way to be happy for you."

"Quinn." Puck frowned.

"I know." Quinn repeated. She finished her drink and set the glass down before leaving Puck at the bar and joining Rachel and the rest of their friends on the dancefloor.

Quinn watched as Puck finished his drink and got up from the bar. He walked over to Finn and Sam, who were seated at a table, and joined them.

"Hey, where's Ally?" Quinn asked.

"She and Santana went to get more drinks." Rachel told Quinn as she grabbed her arm. "Come to the bathroom with me."

"Wait, what?" Quinn asked as Rachel dragged her to the bathroom.

"I have to pee." Rachel said with a shrug as she walked into one of the stalls.

"No, not that." Quinn replied. "Ally's been drinking?"

"Yeah." Rachel answered. "That's what you do at a bar."

Quinn didn't say anything.

"Quinn?" Rachel asked. "Are you still in here?"

"Y-Yeah." Quinn stuttered.

Rachel exited the stall and went to the sink to wash her hands. "Why are you surprised that Ally's drinking?"

"She drove here, right?" Quinn asked. "I don't want her killing my daughter's father."

"I think Jake dropped them off." Rachel replied.

Quinn nodded slowly.

"What is it?" Rachel wondered.

"Finn didn't tell you?" Quinn questioned Rachel.

Rachel raised her eyebrow. "Tell me what?"

"Actually, I don't know if he knows." Quinn noted, furrowing her eyebrow as she thought about it. "He might only know about the wedding."

"Tell me what?" Rachel repeated.

"Ally's pregnant." Quinn told Rachel.

"Are you sure?" Rachel wondered.

"Jake told me." Quinn nodded. "And then Noah told me."

Rachel furrowed her eyebrow.

"Are you sure she was drinking?" Quinn asked. "I mean, maybe she got a drink without alcohol?"

Rachel shook her head. "She was definitely drinking. We have to tell Puck."

"I can't tell Puck." Quinn said. "He won't believe me."

"Why wouldn't he believe you?" Rachel asked.

"I just told him I love him." Quinn answered.

Rachel raised her eyebrow. "Are you serious?"

"It kinda just came out." Quinn shrugged. "But if I tell him about Ally, he'll think I'm lying."

"Puck can tell when you're lying." Rachel pointed out.

"Not with this." Quinn said. "I can't tell him and neither can you."

"Okay, so what do we do?" Rachel wondered.

"I don't know." Quinn said softly.

"What if we get Santana to tell him?" Rachel suggested. "Or Finn?"

"He won't believe them either." Quinn shook her head.

"What about Jake?" Rachel asked.

"He's already mad at Jake for telling me Ally was pregnant." Quinn stated. "We can't tell anybody."

"Well, we can't let him marry her." Rachel noted.

Quinn shrugged as Santana entered the bathroom.

"You guys are missing Brittany's dancing!" Santana yelled as she handed Rachel and Quinn drinks. "Take these and come back."

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