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Quinn couldn't fall asleep that night. She was tossing and turning in bed.

Quinn rolled over and grabbed her phone. She dialed and put the phone to her ear.


"Hey, it's me." Quinn said.

"Quinn? It's Finn." Finn replied. "Are you okay?"

"Do you think I'm a bad mom?" Quinn asked. "Everyone seems to be on Puck's side."

"You and Puck both want what's best for Beth, right?" Finn said.

"Yeah." Quinn responded.

"Well, Puck didn't grow up with a dad. Not a good one." Finn explained. "And he's doing his best to be a good dad."

"He's not doing good enough." Quinn said.

"He's doing his best." Finn repeated. "But every time he takes a step forward, you shove him three steps backwards. He has no room to be a dad."

"He doesn't deserve to see her." Quinn stated. "Not if he can't answer my texts or calls."

"You and I both know that's his girlfriend." Finn stated.

"Then he needs to say something." Quinn said. "Our daughter comes before his girl of the night."

"Talk to him." Finn advised Quinn. "Hear him out and tell him what you want."

"Okay." Quinn sighed. "Thanks, Finn."

"Now go to bed." Finn commanded. "We have a lot of work to do tomorrow."

"See you tomorrow."

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