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Throughout the week leading up to Puck's wedding, Quinn got phone calls from Puck almost everyday. He called for Beth though, not for Quinn - Quinn and Puck were avoiding speaking to each other.

Quinn got numerous texts and calls from the other glee kids asking her for permission to go to the wedding and checking in.

"I'm fine, Santana." Quinn insisted. "If he's happy, I'll be happy for him."

"Well, do you like his fiancée?" Santana wondered.

"It doesn't matter what I think." Quinn replied.

"Yes it does." Santana noted.

"It's Puck's life." Quinn said.

"But it affects you and Beth, too." Santana pointed out. "Because that girl is gonna be Beth's stepmom."

"It's Puck's life." Quinn repeated. "If he wants to marry her, he's gonna marry her."

"Well, I still don't like her." Santana said. "There's something wrong with her."

"What do you mean?" Quinn wondered.

"I just have a feeling." Santana replied. "And I'm usually right about these things."

"Well, you can call me after the ceremony and let me know if you were right." Quinn stated.

"You're really not going?" Santana questioned Quinn. "Is Beth?"

"Beth's going." Quinn answered as her phone beeped. "I have to go. I'm getting another call."

"Bye, Quinn."

Quinn hung up the phone call with Santana and answered Finn's call. "Hey, Finn."

"Hey." Finn responded. "What's up?"

"If you're calling about the wedding-"

"I am, but it's not about you." Finn told Quinn.

"Then what's it about?" Quinn wondered.

"I told Puck about Ally." Finn blurted. "I couldn't get it out of my head and I didn't wanna lie to him."

"How'd he take it?" Quinn questioned Finn.

"Well, you were right and I'm not invited to the wedding anymore." Finn explained.

"Seriously?" Quinn asked.

"He said if I'm gonna try to sabotage his wedding for you or Beth or whoever, then he doesn't want me there at all." Finn responded.

"You should've let me tell him." Quinn said.


"I came between you two once before and now, because of me, you're not going to your best friend's wedding." Quinn cut Finn off.

"So I'll go to his next one." Finn decided.

"Finn." Quinn said.

"It's fine." Finn replied. "It's out there, and whatever he does now isn't on any of us."

"Yeah." Quinn agreed. "I guess you don't have to worry about that speech now."

"Yeah." Finn said, laughing lightly. "And Rachel can take Beth to Lima on Friday."

"That would be perfect, thank you." Quinn said. "Jake's not going anymore."

"Puck uninvited him, too?" Finn asked.

"I don't know if he was uninvited or if he just decided not to go." Quinn stated. "But I should go. I'll see you on Friday."

"See you on Friday."

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