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"Beth!" Quinn called. "Come downstairs and eat!"

"I don't wanna!" Beth responded.

"B, we have to get going." Quinn said. "Come eat breakfast with me and Grandma."

"I don't wanna go!" Beth exclaimed. "I wanna stay here."

Quinn sighed as she walked to the stairs. Beth was sitting at the top of the steps.

"I don't wanna leave Grandma." Beth said. "Or Daddy or Uncle Jake."

"Uncle Jake is going back to New York soon, and he's gonna come visit us." Quinn told Beth. "Grandma and Daddy are gonna visit, too."

Beth frowned.

"Finn and Rachel are coming back to New York today." Quinn told Beth. "And so are Kurt and Blaine, and Artie, and Tana and Britt."

"Okay, fine." Beth gave in. "We can go."

"Good." Quinn smiled. "I put everything in the car. Come eat, and when you're ready, we'll stop at Bubbe's to say goodbye and then we'll go."

"Okay." Beth nodded as she got up and came downstairs. She followed Quinn to the kitchen, and the girls joined Judy at the table.

When everyone was done eating, Quinn cleaned up.

"Thanks for having us, Mom." Quinn smiled as she hugged Judy.

"It was nice to have you two here again." Judy smiled as she and Quinn parted.

Beth hugged Judy tightly. "Bye, Grandma. I'll miss you."

"I'll miss you, too, Beth." Judy replied.

"Love you!" Beth exclaimed.

"I love you." Judy said as she and Beth parted.

Beth took Quinn's hand, and they walked out to the car.

Quinn got Beth in the car before getting in the driver's seat.

"Alright." Quinn said. "We'll stop at Bubbe's and then we'll go back to New York."

Beth nodded. "Okay."

"Okay." Quinn repeated as she started driving.

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