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When they left Breadstix, the former glee kids all met up at a club - including Puck and Ally, who had said they weren't coming.

"I need a drink." Quinn said as she sat down at the bar.


Quinn rolled her eyes. "Can I have five minutes of peace and quiet without you annoying me?"

"Can I buy you a drink?" Puck offered. "I wanna talk to you."

Quinn shook her head.

Puck looked at Quinn. "I don't want you and Beth leaving Lima until we fix things."

"It's a little late for that." Quinn noted as the bartender came back around and stopped in front of her.

"What can I get for you, beautiful?"

"Can I get a vodka cranberry?" Quinn requested.

"You got it, sweetheart." The bartender winked. "And for your boyfriend?"

"Oh, he's not my-"

"Jack and coke, please." Puck requested, taking out his card. "We'll start a tab."

Quinn rolled her eyes as she grabbed her drink, chugging it to avoid talking to Puck.

"Thank you." Puck said when he got his drink. He sipped it and looked at Quinn. "I don't want you and Beth leaving when you're mad at me. I just want things to be good."

"Well, then I guess it wasn't a good idea to tell me that Beth and I were mistakes to you." Quinn replied, finishing her drink and ordering a new one.

"Neither of you were or are mistakes to me. Ever." Puck told Quinn. "The only mistake is that I didn't fight harder and step up more."

"And now it's too late." Quinn nodded. "Now you get to use all of the mistakes you made with me and Beth as lessons for the next time."

"Quinn." Puck said softly as he looked at her.

"We shouldn't keep talking about this or having the same fights." Quinn stated as she got a new drink and sipped it. "I'm not gonna come to your wedding or her baby shower, but if you're happy, then I'm happy for you."

"You're not happy." Puck noted. "Why aren't you happy?"

"Because you should've been like this for me." Quinn answered. "I shouldn't just be a lesson for you."

"You're so much more than that, Quinn." Puck replied. "You made me a father. You made me into a man. No one else did that."

Quinn finished her drink and looked at Puck.

"Ally's family is different." Puck went on. "They're traditional. Weddings and then babies."

"My family was like that, too." Quinn reminded Puck.

"Why is this so hard for you?" Puck wondered. He wasn't rude about it, he was just asking curiously.

"Because I love you." Quinn told him. "And I hate you."

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