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After a long day of rehearsal, everyone met up in the choir room again.

"Alright, guys." Mr. Schue said. "Who's ready to perform tomorrow?"

"Tomorrow?" Finn asked.

"We are!" Rachel exclaimed. "We'll go first."

"Sam and I can go tomorrow, too." Mercedes decided.

"So can Mike and I." Tina nodded.

"Okay, great." Mr. Schue smiled. "If we have time for more than the first three groups, maybe we'll have Santana's group, too? Or Finn and Puck?"

"Maybe." Santana replied.

"Then I think we're good for today." Mr. Schue decided. "See you guys tomorrow."

As soon as they were dismissed, Quinn scooped Beth up and hurried out of the choir room.

"Quinn." Puck called as he followed her. "Q, wait!"

Quinn put Beth down. "Please go wait with Finn while I talk to your father. I'll be right there."

Beth frowned.

"Please, B." Quinn said softly.

"Okay, Mommy." Beth nodded as she ran off.

"You don't get to do that." Quinn hissed as she looked at Puck.

"Do what?" Puck asked.

"You can't call me Q anymore." Quinn told him. "I don't like it."

"Since when?" Puck wondered.

"Look, there are a million things I wanna say to you, but for the sake of our daughter, I won't." Quinn decided. "But I need to get her and get out of here. Coming to Lima is always a mistake, and I don't know why I didn't think it would be this time."

"Q, wait." Puck requested.

"Bye, Puck." Quinn shook her head as she turned around and started walking away.

"If you'll listen to me for five seconds, you'll hear me apologize." Puck called after her.

Quinn paused, but didn't turn around.

"I'm sorry for everything, Quinn." Puck apologized.

Quinn still didn't say anything.

"All those phone calls and deleted messages and stuff... that wasn't me." Puck said. "That was-"

"Your new girlfriend." Quinn cut Puck off as she turned around to face him. He was only about a foot away from her.

Puck furrowed his eyebrow.

"Finn said something about it." Quinn said.

"Finn." Puck muttered.

"Well, you didn't." Quinn folded her arms. "Why not?"

"I was gonna tell you." Puck said softly. "But we've only been going out, like, two months and-"

"Dammit, Puck." Quinn shook her head.

"Quinn, I-"

"You weren't gonna tell me." Quinn argued. "If you were, you would've done it already."

"I was gonna tell you." Puck repeated.

"No, you weren't." Quinn said. "Because we have a daughter. And I've told you a thousand times, I need to know what kind of whores you're subjecting her to."

"Ally isn't a whore." Puck told Quinn as he smiled slightly. "And actually she..."

Puck trailed off as something down the hall caught his eye.

Quinn followed Puck's gaze and looked at the tall brunette leaning against the doorframe.

"Ally, I'm glad you're here. I-"

"I have to go." Quinn muttered, glaring at Puck as she walked away.

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