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It was late when they got back to New York. It was around dinnertime.

Quinn had ordered pizza before she began unloading the bags into the apartment and unpacking everything.

When the pizza got there, Quinn and Beth collapsed on the couch with their dinner.

"It's good to be home, isn't it?" Quinn asked as she used a napkin to wipe pizza sauce off of Beth's face.

Beth nodded as Quinn's phone went off.

Quinn furrowed her eyebrow as she looked at her phone and saw Jake was calling.

"I'll be right back, B." Quinn said as she got up and walked away to take the call. "Hello?"

"Hey." Jake said. "I tried to call you earlier, but I guess you were still driving."

"Yeah, we got back, like, half an hour ago." Quinn replied. "What's up?"

"I'm on my way back to New York." Jake told Quinn.

"What?" Quinn asked.

"Yeah, Puck and I kinda got in a fight after you and Beth left and he wanted me to go." Jake answered.

"What happened?" Quinn wondered.

"He didn't really give me an exact reason, but he was mad." Jake said. "I figured I should just get out of there anyway."

"Well, if you need a place to crash, you're welcome to stay with us." Quinn told Jake.

"I don't think that'll go over well with Puck." Jake muttered.

Quinn furrowed her eyebrow.

"Mommy, someone's at the door." Beth called.

"I'll get it, Beth." Quinn called back. "Jake, I have to go. If you talk to Puck, tell him if he has a problem with me, he can talk to me."

Quinn hung up the phone and went back to the living room. She huffed as she put her phone down and opened the apartment door.

Finn and Rachel were standing there.

"Hey." Quinn furrowed her eyebrow. "What are you guys doing here?"

Beth grinned as she ran over to greet Finn and Rachel.

"Hey." Finn smiled as he greeted Beth. He looked at Quinn. "Can we come in? We need to talk."

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