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At the end of the day, everyone gathered in the choir room.

"Okay tomorrow we'll have our battle of the sexes performances." Mr. Schue stated. "And one of our panelists got to join us today and check out the rehearsals."

"Who?" Brittany asked.

"Beth Puckerman!" Mr. Schue exclaimed as he started clapping.

Beth smiled as everyone in the room joined in and clapped for her.

"Our other panelists will be here first thing tomorrow morning, so we'll do that and work on the group number." Mr. Schue said. "But before you all go, let's flip a coin to see which team is going first."

"A coin flip isn't fair, Mr. Schue." Rachel stated. "There are only two options."

"Alright, fine." Mr. Schue nodded. "Rock, paper, scissors. Winner chooses when their team performs. Who wants to represent each team?"

"I'll do it." Puck decided as he stood up.

"Quinn." Rachel said as she leaned towards the blonde. "You know Noah well enough to anticipate his moves."

Quinn got up and joined Mr. Schue and Puck in the front.

"Best two out of three." Mr. Schue said as Puck and Quinn put their fists out. "Ready?"

"Totally." Puck nodded.

"Ready." Quinn said.

"Rock, paper, scissors, and shoot."

Puck put rock and Quinn put paper.

"I knew you would put rock." Quinn said, smiling as she covered Puck's hand.

"I let you have that." Puck told her.

"Again. Rock, paper, scissors, and shoot."

Puck put scissors and Quinn put paper.

Puck smirked as he looked at Quinn. "Told you."

"Last time. Ready, Quinn?"

Quinn nodded as she looked at Puck, trying to figure out what he would put.


"Ready." Puck grinned.

"Okay. Rock, paper, scissors, and... shoot!"

Quinn put scissors and Puck put rock.

"Yes!" Sam exclaimed.

"Better luck next time, Q." Puck smirked as he turned to the boys.

"Puck, since you won, you get to decide when the boys perform." Mr. Schue told him.

Quinn folded her arms as Puck nodded and looked at her.

"We'll go first." Puck decided.

Quinn furrowed her eyebrow.

"You're welcome." Puck said softly as he went back to his seat.

"Puck, come on. We wanted to go second." Finn scolded.

Puck shrugged. "Let's go first and get it out of the way so we can be fully supportive of the girls."

"Who the hell are you and what have you done with my best friend?" Finn asked.

"The boys will go first thing tomorrow followed by the girls." Mr. Schue announced. "See you all then. Bye, guys."


Quinn took Beth's hand as the choir room started emptying out. "You're going with Daddy for dinner, okay?"

"Not without you, Mommy." Beth stated, tightening her grip on Quinn's hand.

"You know, there are some things you'll have to do without me." Quinn told Beth. "But I'll come to dinner today if you want me there."

Beth nodded. "You and Daddy can practice not fighting."

Quinn bit her lip as she looked at Puck, who was waiting with Ally for Beth.

"Is it still cool if I come for dinner?" Quinn questioned Puck. "Or is it too late?"

"I'll text Sarah to put another plate out." Puck nodded. "See you two at my mom's."

"See you."

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