Genius Meets Feelings

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Farkle's POV

Have you ever been painfully aware that someone is lying?

The first sign that something was wrong happened in sophomore year of high school, when Riley and Lucas randomly broke up out of nowhere. 

The second sign I should've seen was how Maya and Lucas started dating on and off only a month after Riley and Lucas had broken up. 

The third sign is finally whacking me on the head as I sit in Topanga's with everyone, watching Riley accept to go on a date with Charlie. She doesn't even like him. 

"Come on, we'll just do something simple, like the movies!" Charlie sits next to Riley on the couch and grabs her hand.

Riley stares back at him with a forced smile.

It's like 8th grade all over again.

She looks over to me and I raise my eyebrows. I don't know what she wants me to say.

Riley turns her attention back to Charlie, "Of course I'll go on a date with you."

I can hear the pain in her voice. She's lying.

We aren't doing this again. The triangle was explosive and almost tore our group apart. I'm not letting her lie and suppress her feelings until they come out in one destructive confession.

"Riley, why are you lying?" I ask from across the room.

She looks at me in horror, "What?"

"You don't actually want to go on a date with Charlie," I state.

I know doing this in front of everyone may not be the best move, but we need transparency in this group.

"Farkle!" Riley stands up and walks over to me.

Charlie shakes his head, "Damn Minkus you really don't want Riley to go out with me at all do you? Even four years after the last time?"

I sigh, "I'm sorry Charlie, but it's true. Riley still loves L-"

Riley covers my mouth with her hand and pulls me outside onto the Topanga's patio.

Things really haven't changed.

"Are we seriously doing this again?" She's flustered.

I roll my eyes, "You need to ask yourself that, Riley. You obviously don't want to go on a date with Charlie, you pulled me out here, and you don't want to admit your feelings."

She throws her arms up, "People change, Farkle. Maybe I do like Charlie! Maybe you're wrong."

I shake my head, "I saw how you looked at Lucas when you two were dating Freshman year, and I see how you're looking at Charlie now. It's not the same and you know that.

Riley starts tearing up, "I think I know my feelings better than you do."

"Maybe...or you're lying to yourself. Again."

I know I'm being mean, but she needs to hear it.

"Lucas and I don't belong together, we never did," she steps forward, "Maya does like him and they've been on and off for a long time now. You're smart, Farkle, do the math."

I stare at her and breathe. Her eyes are locked with mine and she's waiting for me to respond, expecting me to fire back. I can tell she knows I understand what's really happening.

"This isn't about Maya, it's about how you feel. We know Lucas likes you and I know you like him. Why are you lying, Riley?"

She steps back, "Why do you care, Farkle?"

I look at her in disbelief. Why wouldn't I care? Why would she even think I wouldn't care?

"This isn't about you," Riley can tell that hurt me, but she's trying to hold herself up, "it's my choice. And you can't tell anyone."

She starts to walk away, but I grab her arm.

Riley looks down at my hand and then back up at me. We can both feel the tension as she turns back towards me and I let go.

"I'll tell unless you do."

"Why? Why would you do that to me?"

"I do care about you. That's why you need to tell them." I reach for her elbows so her forearms rest on mine, "The longer you hold this in, the more you get hurt."

She closes her eyes and breathes.

"We aren't 15 anymore." I continue, "It's time we figure out our feelings and be honest with each other."

Riley's eyes lock with mine.

A tear rolls down her cheek, "I'm trying my best, but I need time. Please don't out me like you did last time. Let me handle this."

I pull her in for a hug, "I'm always here for you."

We stand there for what feels like forever. I don't know why, but I don't want to let her go.

"I love you, Farkle." She mumbles.

"And I love you," I pull away and flash her a small smile.

She wipes her tears until Charlie walks out, "Ready?"

Riley smiles genuinely for the first time that night, "Absolutely."

I look back and forth between them, "Have her back by 11," I say jokingly.

Charlie leads Riley up the stairs to the street, leaving me alone.

I can't imagine what Riley is thinking, but I can't stop thinking.

She's acting like what she feels doesn't matter. She's pushing aside her own feelings for the benefit of someone else.

She's selfless. She's remarkable. She's our Riley.

I leave Topanga's and start walking home.

I can't understand why she would do this. When you discover something, you tell everyone so they can build upon it. That's how science works. It's a collection of ideas that all lead to one great discovery.

But apparently feelings don't work like that. I don't know how they work.

I stop at Riley's building and look up towards the bay window. It's open.

After climbing up the fire escape, I look in to see Maya sitting there. Her hands are on her knees and she looks like she's about to have a panic attack.

"Hey." I say from outside the window.

Maya jumps and looks back at me, "Hi."

I hop through and sit next to her, staring forward, "Why are you here?"

"Why are you here?"

"I saw the window was open." I shrug, "I thought Riley might be back from her date."

"So?" Maya perks up, turning to look at me.

"I wanted to ask her how it went."

"Farkle," Maya makes eye contact with me, "you're a genius right?"

"That's what I've been told." I smile.

She grins and then sighs, "What do you do when you can't be with the person you want to because of someone else."

"I don't know. You've found the one thing I can't figure out."

"But I thought you knew everything. I thought you could help me figure out what's happening."

I shake my head, "What is happening? Aren't you and Lucas together now?"

The nervous look Maya had before I got here reappears, "Yeah, I guess, but something happened."


"Josh texted me."

Welcome to my favorite story I've ever written that has been therapeutic and fun. It kind of starts off slow, but keep going. I love the newest chapters and it's almost completed.

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