Genius Meets Gifts

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Farkle (con)

I open my bedroom door and let Riley walk in, "Farkle, I've seen your room before, what's going on?"

"It's too loud in there," I close the door behind me and switch on my ceiling.

It lights up and shows the stars and planets shining.

Riley looks up in amazement, "I don't know if I've ever seen this at night."

I look up, "I don't think you have, that's part of the reason I brought you here."

"It's so beautiful," she walks into the middle of my room, "Where's Pluto?"

I grab her shoulders, rotate her and point up at the corner of my ceiling.

"Do you see that tiny light that's a little bigger than the others in the corner of the room?"

"Farkle, the entire ceiling is small lights."

I bend down to her eye level, so my chin is resting on her shoulder.

I point up at Pluto again, "Right there."


"Yeah, it's pretty amazing."

It's that moment when I realize how close I am to Riley and start standing up slowly.

She turns around and faces me, looking right at my lips.

No, no, no, Farkle, you've been over this.

"I-I have something for you." I backup and walk across my room to my nightstand where I pick up a small package.

"Farkle, you didn't have to get me anything."

I walk back over to her with a smile, "It's your birthday, dummy."

She gestures to my door, "You prepared and are hosting this entire party."

"Well it's too late now, isn't it?" I place the gift in her hand.

She opens the box and gasps, "It's Pluto."

Riley pulls out a necklace that has a small glass pendant charm on it of Pluto. She holds it up and watches it glimmer.

"We're all going off to college," I say, as she keeps staring at the pendant, "Right now, you can see Pluto whenever you want to, but Pluto is more than a planet to you. Pluto is your belief in all of the amazing things you love. I don't want you to lose that just because you aren't here and you can't see this Pluto."

She looks at me with teary eyes, but a huge smile.

I reach over and wipe a little tear off of her cheek with my thumb, "Now you can see Pluto whenever you want to."

Riley shakes her head, "I can't believe you got this for me."

"I have one more thing," I walk back over to my nightstand.

Her jaw drops, "You don't."

"I do! You're my best friend, of course I do."

I walk over and hand her an envelope.

She looks up at me for a second before slowly opening it, "You got me a star?"

"Yes, and," I point at the map, "it's right next to Pluto."

"Farkle," she looks up at me, "I love it."

"I'm glad."

Riley jumps up and wraps her arms around my neck, "I love you."

"I love you too."

Riley pulls away and holds out the necklace, "Will you put this on me?"

I take it from her, "Of course."

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