Genius Meets Crushes

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Farkle (con)

Tonight is the night. Tonight I am going to tell Riley how I feel. We'll finally be together.

I'm so nervous, I can barely think.

Thinking is all a genius has.

I'm about to walk on to the Topanga's patio when I hear Maya's voice.

"I'm sure he does, Riley. He told me that he likes you. What are you going to do about it?"

"I love him, I really do, but we can't date. He just went through such a disastrous a breakup, you both did. How did he bounce to me so quickly?"


"I don't know Riles, you need to talk to him. You really need to talk to Farkle."

It is me. She's talking about me.

"Do you think Farkle would be mad?"

"Farkle loves you and Lucas. He'd never be mad."

I could never be mad, but I'm absolutely shocked.

She wants to date Lucas.

"How will Lucas feel?"

"He'll understand. It's so clear where your heart lies, Riley."

She loves him. It was never me, was it? I rushed her. She must have been looking at Lucas, not me.

How could I blame her? It's always been Lucas.

"Do you think he'll do something tonight?" Riley sounds so nervous.

"I wouldn't be surprised. The night is young. He'll be here soon. You just have to be ready."

"What about Lucas? Will he do something?"

"Maybe. You can handle it, Riles. Now let's get in there."

I hear the door open and close.

I can't believe it. I thought she and I were on the same page. We almost kissed, twice! How could she still not be over Lucas?

I run my hands through my hair and pull on it while pacing on the patio. 

I would have sworn she and I were going to be together. I've heard her like me, I've heard her tell Maya that she likes me...even Zay thinks she likes me and he just got here.

What changed?

It's because I told her about my anxiety. I'm the burden she doesn't want or need. Lucas is so simple...I'm just not. 



Smackle steps up onto the patio, "What's wrong?"


She rolls her eyes, "I'm not stupid. I'm even more of a genius than you. What's wrong?"

I take a deep breath, "I thought Riley liked me. I was wrong. She has a crush on Lucas."

"And how do you know this? What research have you done?"

"She was talking to Maya about how she only wanted to be friends with me. She likes Lucas, not me. I should have known," I feel myself beginning to spiral, "I should have known I wasn't enough. I'm a nothing."

"Farkle," Smackle puts her hand on my shoulder, "you know that isn't true."

"But what if it is, how could you know?"

She smiles, "I'm very good at science, as you know."

I feel myself relax, "You've certainly shown that these past four years."

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