Genius Meets Topanga's

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Farkle (con)

Everyone planned to hang out at Topanga's tonight, so I started my walk over.

When I got home last night, I took time to think. I realized that I probably just got caught up in the moment when Riley and I held up the beaker. It had been a long day.

As for Smackle, I was just overwhelmed. My feelings were so jumbled, who knew what was happening?

Sometimes an experiment fails and you have to adjust the hypothesis. That's all I need to do...adjust.

A block away from Topanga's I hear a voice call out my name.


"Hey," I say cautiously. I don't know where his head is at. I'm afraid to find out.

"How are you feeling?" He asks with genuine concern.

"I'm all right," I lie.

I shouldn't lie. I shouldn't need to. But, if I'm honest, I'll tell Lucas what Maya said. I can't be the one to blow up their relationship.

"I'm so lost with Maya," Lucas says out of nowhere, "I can never tell where I stand. I'm not sure if we're dating or if she hates me."

He turns towards me and stops, "What do you think? You talk to her, right?"

I have to tell him. I can't lie. I can't let this go on.

"I have to tell you, and I really don't want to, but yesterday Maya said she's not su-"

"Hello gents!"

Charlie Gardner, of all people, approaches Lucas and me.

"Riley is hosting a New Years Eve party," he proudly announces. "I'm invited, are you?"

Lucas and I look at each other in confusion, "There's a party?" Lucas asks.

Charlie smiles, bows, and runs away.

Lucas and I don't waste a minute before we rush to Topanga's.

I'm going to pretend everything is normal. If I do that, everything will be normal. It will all be okay.

I know that will be hard when I open the door and immediately make eye contact with Riley.

"Hi." Lucas and I say to Riley and Maya, who are sitting on the couch.

Maya gives me a quick glance before responding, "Hey Huckleberry," in a lighthearted tone towards Lucas.

"So, uh," Lucas continues, "Charlie Gardner asked if we were invited to your party. I said we didn't know that there was a party. And then he smiled, bowed, and just kinda ran off...I still like him."

"There is a party...and of course you're both invited," Riley's eyes linger on me, "I just thought of the party, I don't know how Charlie does it."

"Heard you guys talking about me."

I jump and turn to see Charlie behind me. I didn't hear him until now. How does he do it?

"What will be interesting," he continues, "is who's with who at midnight."

Riley cocks her head, "For why? For why would that be interesting."

If I can distract Riley to focus on her feelings for Lucas, I'll stop thinking about mine.

"Why would that be interesting, Riley?" I say, boldly.

She gets that terrified look on her face. The same one she had the last time we talked about Lucas.

Riley stands up and approaches me, "Very funny, Farkle. Why don't we laugh about it out here?"
She yanks my arm and pulls me outside on patio of Topanga's. Again.

No no no no no. She can't pull me outside again. We can't be alone, I don't know what I'll say.

"What the hell, Farkle?" She exclaims, throwing up her arms, "We talked about this, I'm dating Charlie now so let it alone."

"Oh please, Riley," I sneer back, "I saw you and Lucas yesterday. That wasn't just friendly."

Lucas, you're my savior.

"He was just taking care of me!" She yells, "It's not my fault that you went all crazy, dropped our beaker, and left the mess for me! I tried to pick it up...I tried to save us. You left."

I stare at her. I'm shaking, and it's not because I'm angry.

"So you let Lucas clean up the mess instead. You let the person you 'stepped back from' for your best friend crawl to you. How is that my fault?"
I knew that would hurt her, but I said it anyway.

"You're ignoring your feelings, Riley. You're ignoring what you feel for Lucas."

"Did you ever think that this isn't about Lucas?" Riley starts pacing, "Did you ever think a genius could be wrong?"

I feel my heart stop, "What do you mean?"

The moment freezes as Riley and I just stare at each other. I can see her fighting herself and trying to figure out what to say. I'm too shocked to say anything.

"Why did you run away?" She asks, softly.

"Riley, I'm sor-"

"Farkle, why did you run away?"


I can't breathe again. I don't know what's happening. I can't think. I don't even know what to tell her.

The truth. I have to.

"I felt something I've never felt before. I couldn't control myself and I was overwhelmed so I dropped the beaker. I was embarrassed and I left."

She's analyzing me. She's trying to figure me out. I can't look at her.

"I'm still discovering feelings, Riley. Maybe you understand more than I do, I'm not always a genius. I'm sorry I hurt you, I never wanted to. I never would on purpose. I'm trying Riley, I...."

Riley puts her hand on my cheek and wipes away a tear that I didn't even know was there.

My skin is buzzing. My heart is pounding. I'm going to faint again.

Is this what feelings are?

"Farkle...." Riley catches my eyes.
She's still crying, but she doesn't look sad.

She looks down at my lips and back up to my eyes. I don't know what to do.

I want to kiss her. I've always wanted to kiss her.
But it will make everything more complicated and freak her out.

Riley's hand slips down my neck and she starts pulling me in towards her.

This is it. I've been thinking about this moment for forever. I'll finally kiss the girl I've been hopelessly in love with for over a decade. And not just on the chin.

Is that what my feelings have been? I've known I'm in love with Riley, but has it always been like this?

Do feelings make a relationship? Does that invalidate my current experiment?

I can feel her breath on my lips. We haven't been so close since we fought after our first day of high school.

I had felt something then too. I always shake it off.

I can't do that anymore. I know better now. I know that feeling.

I finally made a breakthrough.

"Riley? Is that you?"

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