Genius Meets Another Flashback

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Farkle (con)

- 2 months ago: the day after Riley's party -

I walk into Topanga's and see Lucas sitting at the bar, stirring a milkshake.

He looks up and sees me walking towards him, "Hey."


I sit next to him, "So, what's up?"

"I think you know, Farkle."

I sigh, "You might as well clear it up for me."

"You kissed Riley and didn't tell me," He says quietly.

"It was before you two were dating."

We've gone over this so many times.

"But it still happened," Lucas turns to look at me, "Why wouldn't you tell me?"

I've never seen him like this. He seems more desperate than angry.

I shrug, "I guess I just thought it would ruin your relationship with Riley. You didn't need to know, and I thought it just make this weird triangle thing feel more complicated."

"It's pretty complicated now," he looks away and focuses on his shake.

"Yeah, it is." I scratch the back of my neck.

Last night really unpacked a lot, didn't it?

"And then you slept together?" He bites his lip angrily.

I need to say the right thing or I'm dead.

"Not like that. She was upset and needed someone to stay. I understood what she was going through...," I trail off.

I was the one who was bullied in 7th grade and I was the one who realized she was being bullied a year later. 

The fact that I know her better is killing him. 

He stirs his shake, "But you didn't tell me about it. Or about the bullying."

"Again," I pause, "I didn't think it would help your relationship. And I fixed the bullying thing right away."

"I would have come for backup. Maybe then you wouldn't have been in the hospital."

Yeah, but Evan would be in the morgue, so I think I actually saved a life.

"I don't regret a thing about that day," I say confidently.

I seriously don't. I would rather have a broken hand than watch Riley be emotionally broken. Any day.

Lucas grits his teeth, "I bet. You woke up with my girlfriend and then acted like a hero. And you didn't tell me a damn thing about it."

"It's up to Riley to tell you about personal things. I can't run your relationship."

"It seems like you're pretty much running it already," he snaps.

I put my head in my hands, "Listen Lucas, I'm sorry, but I don't know what you really want me to do here. "

"Stay away from Riley," he mumbles.

I pick up my head, "Excuse me?"

Lucas looks at me, "I said stay away from Riley."

My heart starts pounding, "Seriously?"

"Yeah, seriously," his face is red, "She said she tried to kiss you again."

"But I stopped her."

"But she still wanted to."

"And that's my fault?"

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