Genius Meets Dancing

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Farkle (con)

We finally get to the school and walk into the building where everything is decorated like an old kingdom. I didn't even realize this prom had a theme.

I also didn't realize Riley is still holding my hand.

On the dance floor, a DJ is blasting some sort of dance music I've never heard before. Riley and Maya run off to see some of their friends and obsess over each others' dresses, so Josh and I just stand against a wall.

Josh sighs, "It gets better from here, I promise."

I laugh a little, "I don't mind them running off. It's nice to see they're happy."

He looks at me, "You really just care about their happiness, even if it isn't the best for you?"

"I guess I do." I shrug, "That's all I've ever wanted, really."

"You're good for Riley. You know that right?"

I glance over at Riley, who's twirling in her dress and laughing. She looks like she's having the time of her life.

I can't believe that anyone really thinks I deserve someone so beautiful.

"I do now."

Riley and Maya start running back over to us and I see Zay and Smackle trailing behind them.

"Hey," I smile, "You both look great."

Smackle frowns, "You have a girlfriend now, Farkle. You need to stop hitting on me."

"Smackle!" Zay exclaims.

I laugh, "It's okay. She's wrong, but it's okay."

"Well I would be valedictorian if I was right all the time." Smackle mutters.

Zay searches around the room, "Where's Lucas? He said he would still come."

"Right here." Lucas appears out of nowhere and joins the group.

He has a smile on his face like nothing is really wrong.

I can feel my heart racing and my head starts spinning.

Is he going to kill me?

He walks up to me and sticks out his hand, "Truce?"

I let out a breath, "Thank god." And I shake his hand.

He turns to Riley, "Are we all good?"

"Yeah," she smiles, "absolutely."

Maya lets out a sigh of relief, "Fantastic, now can we just enjoy ourselves?"

"Let's do it!" Riley grabs my and Maya's hands and pulls us onto the dance floor.

We all pretend like we know how to dance for a few songs until the DJ announces that it's 'time to slow things down.'

I tap Riley on the shoulder, "May I have this dance."

"I never thought you'd ask." She giggles and holds out her hand for me to take.

I pull her into my arms and we start dancing slowly.

Riley has the biggest smile on her face as she stares up at me.

My heart feels so full.

"I have a question." She states out of nowhere.

I smile, "And what's that?"

She looks at her feet, "This might be really cliche, and saying it's cliche might make it even more cliche, but when did you know you loved me?"

"What do you mean?" I slow down, "I've always loved you."

"Yeah, but when did you know that it was more than a friend?" Riley stares into my eyes, "I know exactly when it happened for me."

I twirl her around to make her laugh before asking, "When?"

She takes a deep breath, "It was freshman year, when I got my first D. I was destroyed about it, but I didn't really let on to how much...or at least I tried not to. It was the first moment I really felt like a failure, and not my last, but still."

I hold her a little closer in an attempt to comfort her.

I remember going to her bay window that night. I could tell that she wasn't okay and I knew I should be there. We both had a bad day, and there's no one else I'd rather talk to than her.

"Somehow, you felt that." Riley smiles up at me, "You just kind of came to my window and talked to me. It wasn't an insanely emotional conversation, but you were just there when I needed someone. You reminded me that what I am is enough."

She's more than enough.

Riley lowers her head, "People don't say that to me."

"Wow." I state.

That's such a simple moment. I had no idea something like that would make her realize she loved me.

"Your turn."

I start spinning us around a bit, which makes her smile, "Christmas freshman year. You gave me a menorah and I was so upset because I thought you didn't love me as I was. You had always loved me, even when I wore turtlenecks and kissed you on the chin. So when you gave me that gift, I thought you were trying to change me."

I dip her down slowly, and she giggles, "But then you explained why you gave it to me, and I realized you were there to help me grow. You weren't a challenge to overcome, you were a hand I could hold and a person who would push me to be more and know more. Everyone else only tells me how 'remarkable' I am or tries to trample me like life is just a constant competition."

I must have looked so stupid when I realized how I felt. I was shocked.

Riley rests her head on my shoulder, "So it sounds like, theoretically, we could have gotten together a few years ago."

"Yeah," I nod, "but I like us where we are now. I don't think I was ready for you then."

"Are you ready now?"

"Do you think I am?"

"I really do."

I pull away from her and kneel, "Well then here goes nothing."

She steps back and looks at me nervously, "What are you doing?"

"Being romantic, of course."

Riley giggles, "You have the floor...literally."

I grab her hands, "Will you be my girlfriend?"

"There's nothing I want more."

I stand up, pull her close to me and finally, with no shame or hesitation, kiss her.

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