An important note

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Hi all,

I promised myself I wouldn't do any author's notes, but this is important.

I want to take a second to acknowledge the tragedies going on in the world that are deeply affecting everyone. 

Media has been full of terrifying and occasionally traumatizing statements, images and videos. Seeing these affects all people, regardless of their demographics. I, as a white woman, can't empathize with the black community, but I can offer my support. I have been actively educating myself and others, signing petitions, and donating when I can. 

Where I can be useful is for the mental health community. I have dealt with anxiety since middle school. While I'm actively trying to improve myself, I still struggle to this day. What media is portraying seriously impacts mental health. Whether or not you have diagnosed anxiety, it's okay if this is overwhelming. Your feelings are valid and important. 

I want to remind you that it's okay if you need to take a step back from social media and protests if you feel uncomfortable or unsafe. There are so many other things you can do to support the black community. There is a great google doc going around titled #blacklivesmatter. I can't link it, but you can definitely find it somewhere. Please educate yourself, sign petitions, and donate when you can. Reach out to your friends and ensure their safety. 

All of this being said, I still plan to post new content. While I understand that we should focus on the matters at hand, reading and writing are great outlets to give yourself a mental break. I don't condone posting on social media, but Wattpad is different. It's more than selfies and memes. It's a platform of escape and I don't think that should be taken away. 

If you disagree with my choice, please tell me. I don't want to offend anyone, and never act out of malice. I'm learning more about the black community, but I don't know everything. 

Your mental health matters and is important. If you need anything, I'm here as a resource as well.

Stay safe,


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