Genius Meets the Finale

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Farkle (con)

Riley sits and watches me run frantically around my room, muttering every single thought I'm having.

My room is a mess; and it's really been a mess since almost the day after we graduated. I was so worried about getting everything together for college that I got a two month jump on it.
Riley, on the other hand, hasn't done a thing, and she leaves the same day I do.


We're leaving tomorrow.

"Riley I can't find it."

She sits on the piano bench swivels to face me, "Can't find what?"

I look at her panicked, "My orange turtleneck, I can't find it."

Riley stays calm, "Why do you need to bring that? I don't think you'd fit into that anymore."

"I need it because it makes me think of 7th grade and if I forget 7th grade I forget middle school and if I forget middle school then I forget high-"

I didn't even notice Riley stand up and put her arms around me. 

I take a deep breath and whisper, "Thank you."

There's only one person in the world who can calm me down, and I'm so lucky she's here with me.

Riley backs away and holds my shoulders, "It's in the time capsule."

My jaw drops. Of course it is. I put it in there on purpose.

"I really can't remember 7th grade." I break out of her hold and grab my hair to tug on it, "I'm screwed."

Riley takes both of my hands and squeezes them, "Stop, stop, you're fine. Look at me." 

I make eye contact with her for the first time that day. I was too nervous to look at her because I knew what was about to happen.

We were going to leave each other.

She shakes my hands, "You are the one and only Farkle Minkus. You have conquered so many obstacles, no matter who stood in your way. College is no exception. You aren't alone."

"I love you," I say softly, inching closer to her.

She smiles, "I love you too." 

Riley leans in and quickly kisses me before pulling away and putting on a stern look.

"Now, we have a final Topanga's get together, let's go."

She keeps hold of my one hand and starts dragging me out the door.

I stop letting her pull me, "But I need to pack-"

"No you don't," she yanks my arm, almost like a dog on a leash, "Come on."

"Riley," I protest.




We intentionally go the long way to Topanga's, holding hands and taking in every little part of the city. I need to remember this before I go. I won't be far, but it'll be different.

Once we finally get to Topanga's everyone is sitting around and talking. 

Maya, unsurprisingly, is making fun of Lucas. We told her to leave Josh home, because we wanted just our group to be here. She, thankfully, understood.

Zay and Smackle are sitting at the bar, and Smackle is explaining to him the theories behind student development in college that I'm sure he doesn't really care about it. 

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