Genius Meets Parties

75 4 6

Farkle (con)

"We finally hit chapter six everyone!" Harper holds up a copy of 'The Great Gatsby.'

She's been far too enthusiastic about this book for comfort. It's creepily relating to this whole Me - Lucas - Riley thing. 

Riley hasn't told Lucas about anything, other than the fact that I was in the hospital. She made up some lame excuse to avoid having to explain everything with her and Evan and how I got involved. We don't need him angrier than necessary. 

The good thing among the overwhelming chaos is the fact that Riley and I are back to somewhat normal. She told her family about everything with Evan and started getting help. Dealing with my hand has been awful, but I'm starting to inch ahead of Smackle in our race to Valedictorian. I only have two more months to solidify my standing as the true genius.

"Farkle, tell me what Gatsby did at his party," Harper points at me, snapping me awake. 

"He steps back away from his guests and doesn't really eat or drink anything," I answer.

Harper walks down the aisle between our group, "And why do you think he does that?"

"I don't think the parties are for him. He does them because he wants Daisy to come. And she finally did in this chapter."

"Interesting," Harper walks towards the front of the room, "Riley, how did Daisy feel about the party?"

Riley jumps, I guess she wasn't paying attention either, "She doesn't really like it. But when she steps away with Gatsby, she does."

"Exactly, and Lucas, how does Tom feel about all of it?" Harper stops at the front of the room and faces us.

"Well he only comes with Daisy because he's suspicious about something going on between her and Gatsby." Lucas shifts uncomfortably in his seat. 

Book parallels only add to his suspicions about Riley and me. 

Harper is just as involved in our personal lives as Mr. Matthews is at this point. I don't know how she's feeling it, but it's almost ridiculous.

The bell rings and everyone starts packing up. 

"So, Honey," Maya starts poking Riley's shoulder, making her smile, "what are we doing for the big 1-8?"

"Let's just do something low-key like a movie night," Riley says slowly.

She obviously wants something more. 

"You know you don't just want a movie night," I nudge Riley and she laughs. 

"Fine, can we do a party? It doesn't have to be huge and I'll do all of the work for it!" She looks up at me with her eyebrows raised.

"We'll do the work, you can just show up and look pretty," I smile. 

Probably not the best choice of words with Lucas around.

I'm really threatening my genius status aren't I?

Maya coughs to break the tension, "Tonight, 10:00 p.m.-"

"Starting at 10?" Riley whines.

"Riley, it's Friday. I think you'll make it," Lucas puts his arm around her waist and pulls her into him, making her giggle.

It never gets easier to watch that.

"Gross," Maya rolls her eyes, "but tonight, starting at 10:00 p.m., Farkle's house...?"

My house became the staple hangout house since my parents left for Paris last week. Conveniently the day I ended up in the hospital. 

I sigh, "Sure."

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