Genius Meets Countdowns

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Farkle (con)

"What?" Riley stares up at Lucas

Lucas cups her face with both hands, "Riley, I love you. I want to be with you."


Riley backs away in shock and reaches her hand back for mine. 

I grab it and give it a squeeze.


Riley turns to look at me and then back over to Lucas. 

She has that terrified look on her face. She seems to always have that look lately.


Lucas looks up at me, definitely realizing something was happening before he got here, "Please say something."


I speak up, "Lucas, so much has happened in the past week. Are you sure you're thinking clearly?"


"Farkle, this isn't about you, for once. This is between Riley and I."


"Riley you need to say something. Please say something, anything. I'm begging you."


Riley takes a deep breath, "Lucas, I'll always love you. You were my first boyfriend and I'll never forget that."


Lucas smiles, "Then be with me. Let's start over. It's just like you said, we need to go for what we want and never look back."


Riley shakes her head, "I just don't think we have that connection anymore. We tried. It didn't work out."


"We do, I'll show you."

Lucas takes Riley by the waist and pulls her in to kiss her. 

Happy New Year!

This was supposed to be our moment. This was supposed to be when Riley and I finally kissed. 

She pulls her hand away from mine to push away Lucas' chest so he lets go of her. 

Riley stumbles back and I catch her before she falls down. 

She stables herself and we both look back at Lucas, who's standing dumbfounded.

Everyone is staring.

No one is moving.

Not saying a word, Riley walks over to where she was standing earlier.

She takes out the noise makers from her coat and blows into them, with a weak, "Happy New Year."

Without looking at anyone, Riley turns towards the exit and leaves, with almost everyone else behind her. 

Zay, Maya, Lucas, Josh, Charlie, Smackle and I were left standing there. 

"I have to go talk to her," I start walking towards the exit.

"Stop," Maya runs over and cuts me off, "I think you have a lot to talk about up here. I'll take care of her."

As Maya leaves, Smackle starts following her, "I don't want to be left up here with this testosterone. See you tomorrow...," she looks at me, "if you all make it."

She has a point.

The remaining five of us are standing in an awkward pentagon.

"Okay," Zay steps into the center, "We're going to play this the nice way. Last time ya'll didn't listen, and that's how Farkle here got punched."

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