Genius Meets Concussions

83 4 14

Farkle (con)

I open my eyes and stare up at the ceiling.

I'd know this ceiling anywhere.

"Farkle? Hello?" Maya flicks my forehead.

"Maya! He just fainted, be nice."

"Be quiet, Huckleberry, this is your fault."

"My fault? How is it my-"

"Guys, please." Riley scooches in closer and strokes my cheek. 

She looks so worried about me. All of that happiness had left her spirit and her sole focus is me.

"Are you okay?"

I look up at her and everything from yesterday comes rushing back. 

I can feel her telling me that she loves me. I can feel her lips. I can feel her hugging me. 

I also can feel my head pounding.

"Farkle?" Riley still has her hand on my cheek and she's gently moving her hand back and forth.

I bring my hand up to my forehead and groan in pain. 

I've never hit my head this hard.

"What happened now?" Mr. Matthews comes running over and pushes everyone -- except Riley -- out of the way.

"Farkle fainted and I think he hit his head really hard." Riley brushes away a piece of hair from my forehead to see if there's a bump.

I may be in pain, but my head feels like it's buzzing from her hand touching me.

I look to my right and can see Lucas standing over me with a huge frown on his face.

Thank god I'm injured, I don't want to deal with him. 

"Why did he faint? Did someone bring up Belgium 1831 again?"

"Yeah, why did he faint?" Lucas looks over at Maya, who looks down at me.

I slowly shake my head ever so slightly, which Riley notices and she gives me a confused look.

"He, uh," Maya stammers, "He was worried that Matthews wasn't showing up because we were so close to the bell so he fainted."

Lucas nods, "Sounds about right."

Riley obviously doesn't believe it because she's staring down at me with that 'I know you're lying' look.

"Okay...," Mr. Matthews doesn't seem like he believes it either, "Riley, take him to the nurse."

"Maybe I should take him." Lucas interjects, definitely afraid something will happen.

"No, I'm fine." Riley says firmly. 

She puts one hand on my back and takes my hand with the other, helping me stand up.

The moment I'm up, my head starts hurting even more and I grunt, trying to make it seem less than it is.

Riley can tell because she starts rubbing my back in an attempt to comfort me.

It's working, but, in an even greater sense, it's just making me more nervous.

"Let's go."

Maya gives me a sympathetic look as we walk out.

Lucas, on the other hand, glares at both of us.

We walk in silence. My head is pounding and I can barely focus on anything. Everything is just blurry. 

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