Genius Meets Confessions

103 4 6

1. Sorry for the use of a song, I had to
2. Sorry for the delay. Going through some personal stuff right now and it's hard to write a love story.

Farkle (con)

I run up the fire escape to the roof faster than I've ever ran before.

Physical activity is really not for a genius.

When I get up there, everyone -- all of our friends and a decent number of the senior class...and Josh -- are in a circle around Riley, who's standing on a stool and raising a glass.

Maya runs up and stands next to me.

"Here's a toast to all of us. We've been through a lot together. We only have six months to make the rest of our mark in high school, so let's make the most of it."

She starts scanning the crowd, "We've all been together for so long. Some of us," she looks at Maya and me, "have been friends since the first grade. Look at us now."

Riley turns back to the rest of the crowd, "We're going to face a lot of challenges when we leave. Some of us are staying in New York, but others are traveling out of the country. I hope we never forget the times we've had with each other. They've been invaluable."

"And to my friends, I love you guys. We've grown with each other for years now. We've been through all of the twists and turns that no one saw coming, and there will definitely be more. I hope we remain strong...I know we will. Let's cherish this time we still have."

Riley looks directly at me, "Let's go for what we want and never go back."

She turns back to the crowd, "They say whomever you're with when the clock strikes, you'll be with for the rest of the year. We're together now and we'll stay that way. Happy New Year!"

Riley jumps down and starts walking towards Maya and me with a huge smile on her face. 

She opens her arms and brings all three of us into a hug, "We've been friends since the first grade. I always want you two in my life. I love you both."

I smile, "And I love you."

"Love you, Riles." Maya squeezes us both and we all laugh.

Josh walks over to our clump and holds out his hand, "Sorry to cut in you three but, Maya, may I have this dance?"

Maya faces him, "Josh, there isn't any music playing. What are you talking about?"

Like on cue, Almost is Never Enough by Ariana Grande comes over the speaker.

Riley turns towards Josh with her arms crossed, "Are you kidding me? It's New Years, not a middle school dance."

He smirks, "Listen, I'm just taking the magic of the moment. Maya?"

Maya looks back at me with a nervous look on her face.

She can do this, I know she can.

I give her a nod and she turns back, "You may."

They leave.

Riley and I are alone. 

I smile at her and hold out my hand, "It almost feels rude if I don't ask."

She laughs, "You may."

I'd like to say we gave it a try

Riley puts her hand in mine and reaches the other one up to my shoulder.

I wrap my other arm around her waist and begin rocking back and forth with her.

I'd like to blame it all on life

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