Genius Meets Panic

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Farkle (con)

"Riley? Is that you?"

Riley and I throw ourselves apart.

We didn't kiss. We were so close. One more second and it would've happened.

"Uncle Josh?"

Josh walks up onto the patio, "I'm sorry if I was inter-"

"You weren't!" Riley steps farther away from me.

Josh looks at us in disbelief, "It just looked like you two were about to ki-"

The door opens behind us.

"Huckleberry and Charlie are getting restless, what are you two...." Maya looks at Riley and me and then slowly over to Josh.

Her face turns completely red, "Josh, you're here."

"Maya." He lets out a small smile.

Charlie runs out of Topanga's as the four of us just stand and look at each other.

Charlie stands between Riley and I, looking at everyone on the patio, "I definitely walked into some weird vibes, didn't I."

Lucas comes out to join us, "Josh!" He smiles.

Lucas looks around the room and his smile slowly fades.

"Why don't we talk inside," Josh says calmly.

Everyone quietly filters back in and no one looks at each other.

I sit on a side couch and Maya jumps in next to me.

I look at her and she sighs.

She doesn't want to be next to any of them right now, does she?

Neither do I.

Riley sits on the couch between Lucas and Charlie, and Josh sits on a bar stool.

"So, kiddos, let's catch up," he grins and looks at Riley, "Which one of you is dating my niece?"

Charlie stands and goes to shake Josh's hand, "That would be me, and might I say what a pleasure it is to meet the famous Uncle Josh."

Josh looks at me, "I thought you were dating Riley."

"Nope," my heart is racing, "Riley and I are just acquaintances. No deep connection, just good ol' buds."

"Yeah but weren't you just out there about to-"

"So how's college?" Riley interrupts.

No one knows what's happening anymore. Everyone is looking at me for some sort of explanation.

They're expecting too much of a genius.

"It's, uh, good."

"Good, good." Riley stands up and gives a fake yawn, "Oh, I'm so tired. I must get going. We'll talk tomorrow?"


"I'll walk you home," Charlie jumps out of his seat and rushes to Riley's side.

"You don't have to, Josh and I are going together." Riley backs away.

She doesn't want to be with him. She's confused. She doesn't know her own feelings.

I'm even more confused.

"No, actually, let Charlie walk you home. I wanted to stay back...and talk to these guys. I can make sure Maya gets home safe." Josh side-eyes Maya nervously.

I feel Maya tense up next to me.

"No, Josh," Lucas stands up and faces him, "I think I can take care of Maya."

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