Genius Meets Gatsby

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Farkle (con)

For the first time in my 12 years of school, I didn't want to go. 

It's the day after New Years.

The first day everyone will see each other again. 

I hop onto the subway and stand against the side of the train. I had purposely taken a different route to the school in attempt to avoid everyone. Maya, Riley and I typically meet up at Topanga's before picking up Lucas on our walk to school.

"Farkle." My head whips up.


Lucas grabs onto the poll next to me, "You usually walk from Topanga's."

"You usually let us pick you up."

He lets out a small laugh, "I guess we had the same thought today."

"We did."

We get off to change trains and end up standing together in a very crowded car. 

"Listen Lucas," he looks down at me, "I think we need to remember that we're friends before anything else."

He nods, "This is up to Riley. No matter what happens, you're my best little friend."

"I'm not that little anymore." 

"Sure you aren't."

I laugh and shake my head.

"Guys?" Lucas and I turn our heads to see none other than Riley herself. 

And Josh and Maya, but they're not really a concern of ours right now.

"Looks like you all had the same idea today," Josh raises his eyebrows at the four of us.

Maya cuts in, "I think you all need to talk, but not right now. Let's get through the school day and then we will bay window everything. Okay?"



This was one of the most antagonizing days of my life.

First Mr. Matthews' lesson was applicable to our lives, as always.

Then during science I could feel Lucas staring over me at Riley. She barely looked at me, and the one time our hands kind of touched, she whipped her hand away.

PE was painful as usual.

Lunch was silent.

In art we were directed to draw something that represented the best moment we had over break. I just didn't draw anything.

My honors classes were very welcome pauses in the day. Even though Riley's in a few of them, I'm surrounded by fellow geniuses who kept me distracted. 

I walk into Harper's class, hoping that she'd just lecture about some totally inapplicable book. 

"'The Great Gatsby'!" She announces.

Oh come on.

Harper steps away from the board, which reads, "What influences love?"

"Every single time," Riley sighs, sitting in front of me. 

As overwhelming as this all is, I still smile at her. 

"I want to suggest 'Hop on Pop' but this time it's not my problem," Maya plops down in front of Lucas with a smile on her face. 

She turns and looks back at me, "Can't be the 'fineh' one this time, can you genius? It's my turn not to be a problem!"

I smile and shake my head, "I'll fineh all I want to because that's my trademark. You can't take it just because I'm the character in a triangle."

Riley turns around, "So this is a triangle?"

"No, wait, Riley-"

"What determines love?" Harper begins walking around the classroom. 

"F. Scott Fitzgerald wanted us to ponder this question. And the question of how far will one go to have and preserve love."

She stops in the middle of the clump of Riley, Maya, Lucas and me. 

"A crucial piece of 'The Great Gatsby' is a woman trying to prioritize her love. One man had loved her since they were young. She held his heart in her hand."

I feel my body practically buzzing with nerves. 

"But she felt an obligation to the other man. He had qualities Gatsby just couldn't give to her.

Riley raises her hand, "Can I put 'Hop on Pop' back on the table?"

Harper laughs, "Oh, not this again! Riley, what is there not to love about classic literature that explores today's issues with love?"

"'Hop on Pop' explores issues with...hopping on Pop?"

I raise my hand, "What happens to the two men? Does she choose?"

"She doesn't have to. The men battle so much that one falls to their death. Jealousy got in the way of whatever kinship they could have had."

I feel Lucas side glance me but I keep my eyes straight ahead.

I won't let us fight. I won't battle Lucas until I fall to my death. We know I wouldn't win.

Everything will be fine. 

Harper whacks the board and I snap back into reality, "Read until chapter five tonight. We'll talk again tomorrow."

While everyone else starts leaving, Maya turns in her chair to face all of us. 

"Bay window in 10."

I grab my stuff as quickly as I can and walk out. 

"Farkle, wait!" I turn around to see Maya running after me. 

"Hi Maya."

"Come with me," Maya grabs my arm and pulls me into the closet.

She sits on the floor, "Well are you going to join me or not?"

"What do you want?" I ask grimly, while sitting myself down.

"What are you gonna do?"

"What do you mean what am I going to do?"

I know what she means. I'm just tired and frustrated. I want this all to be over. 

"Oh you know what I mean, genius. What are you going to say to Riley? I think she wants to talk to you first."

I snap my head up at her, "She does? What does that mean?"

Maya shakes her head, "I wish I knew. She won't tell me anything."

"Didn't you chase her after everything on the roof happened?"

"Of course I did," Maya looks off into the closet, "She didn't want to talk."

"She won't even tell you anything? What happened to ring power?"

Maya shrugs, "I don't know. Riley is overwhelmed and confused. I think she just wants everything to be over."

I sigh, "Don't we all."

"Her fatal flaw is that she wants everyone to be happy. Someone is going to walk away from this hurt. She doesn't want that."

"I don't think anyone wants that."

"So what are you going to do?"

I look over at Maya, feeling more defeated than ever, "I don't know."

"You have five minutes to figure it out."

"I know. We better get going."

Maya nods, "It's going to be okay. We're friends at the end of the day. We have to remember that."

"I hope we do."

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