Genius Meets a Final Flashback

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Farkle (con)

- 1 week ago - 

I sit on the floor of the janitor's closet as my leg bounces up and down anxiously. 

Someone had put a note on my desk telling me to meet them here after school.

I only came because I knew it had to be Riley, Maya, or Lucas. They're the only ones who know that this is a hiding spot for me. 

I really hope it isn't Lucas. 

The door opens and I hear footsteps.

"Hi Maya."

"Hey Farkle."

Maya sits down on the floor in front of me.

I can see that she's tired. She's probably just as exhausted by the drama as Riley, Lucas, and I are. 

"Long time, no see," she says with a sad smile.

I give her a forced smile, "Yeah."

"Why?" I can see her start to tear up, "Why did you leave like that? Nothing's the same without you."

I sigh, "Riley and I had a really big fight an-"

"No," she puts her hand up, "there's more to it. I know there is. Tell me what happened."

I can't tell her about Lucas.

"There isn't anything else."

"Farkle, please. I'm tired of secrets and lying and fighting and crying...I'm done with it. No one will tell me anything, so you need to tell me what happened."

I look down at my lap, I don't really want to go through the full story. 

But she deserves it.

"After Riley and I fought on the day of her party, Lucas threatened me to leave. I gave in, even though I shouldn't have. I don't think he actually would've done anything to me if I stayed."

Maya's jaw drops, "I'm going to kill-"

I put my hand on her shoulder, "No, don't. He had a point. While I'm around, Riley can't focus on him."

She shakes my hand off, "Well that's because she doesn't love him. She never did."

"They never got their chance, Maya," I say desperately, "They were never going to if I was around. I had to leave."

She shakes her head, "You didn't. Leaving was the easy choice."

I feel a lump in my throat. Leaving put me in one of the worst mental states I've ever been in. How could she think that was easy?

"Trust me, it wasn't."

Maya glares at me, "No, it was. Leaving meant you didn't have to watch them together everyday. Leaving relieved you of any responsibility. Just ask my dad."

I feel tears behind my eyes, "Leaving meant I left my best friends and the love of my life behind. I'm sorry."

I didn't consider Maya in all of this. I can't believe I forgot about how much this would impact her too. 

I was selfish. I only protected myself and I hurt Maya. How could I be so reckless? 

"I'm so sorry."

My heart starts racing.

Not now, I can't have an attack now. 

My breaths start getting faster and Maya's face softens. 

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