Genius Meets Ultimatums

82 4 7

Farkle (con)

Nothing was harder than getting outside of bed this morning.

Not even my AP Physics midterm.

At least on the midterm I knew what to expect. I knew the answers. 

Right now, I have no idea what to expect. I have know idea what happened after I left yesterday. 

Maybe today will be quiet. We'll go about our day and pretend everything is fine. 


A boy can dream.

I start walking faster.

Not dealing with this. Nope.

"Oh, don't you run away from me!"

Maya runs up behind me and jumps onto my back.

"Maya, what the hell?"

"What the hell me? No! What the hell you!"

She jumps down and grabs me by the ear, "Come on, genius."

"Maya, geez, stop, this hurts." I whine.

She pulls me into the janitor's closet, slams the door, and pushes me onto the ground.

"What the hell have you done, you dumb dumb dumb dummy?"

"What are you talking about?"

I know exactly what she's talking about. I think at this point I'm just purposely being facetious.  

"'What are you talking about,'" She mocks, "I'm talking about the gigantic elephant in the room!"

Maya bends down next to me and points at a broom, "Do you see it? Right over there! It says 'How in the goddamn world could you kiss Riley, tell her to go after Lucas, and leave her standing there like a fool?'"

She stands back up, "Do you see that, genius? Do you see the thing clearly in front of your eyes?"

I pick myself up, "Okay, first I think we all need to take a breath."

Maya squares up and holds her fist by my face, "I think first I need to punch you in the face before I even think about taking a breath."

"Geez, Maya okay! Okay, I'll talk."

I sit down and pat for her to join me.

She huffs and sits, "Well thank god!"

I take a deep breath, "First of all, Riley kissed me."

"And you continued it."

"I also stopped it."

"Okay, fine."

I hold up two fingers in front of Maya's face, "Second, yes I do think she should be with Lucas."

She whacks my hand away, "Farkle, we just went over this. Riley chose you. Riley loves you. She was going to choose you yesterday, until you acted like everything didn't matter. You acted like she doesn't matter!"

"Of course she matters, I love her."

"Well if you love her so much, why is she in Matthews' classroom cuddling up with Ranger Rick."

The world stops. I feel my ears buzzing. My skin is crawling. 

I'm on the edge of a panic attack. 

I need to calm down, "So, they're together."

"Yeah," Maya gives me a sympathetic look, "You told her to be with him. Are you surprised?"

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