Genius Meets Graduation

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Farkle (con)

"Farkle you have to hurry up or we'll be late!"

I'm running around my room, searching for the folded piece of paper containing my valedictorian speech that's torn and crumpled from the millions of times I've practiced it in the mirror. 

My mom is pacing around the house. I think she's just as nervous as I am.

"Where is it?" I mumble to myself, "I can't find it, I need to find it."

I've peeled through every corner of my room and the contents of my closets, desk, and drawers are pulled out, laying in the floor. My mom will kill me for how messy it is in here, but I don't care. I need to find it.

"Farkle! I'm serious!" She knocks on my door. 

"Just one more second, I promise." I take one more frantic search around my room before giving up.

She opens my door a bit and peers in, "It's a mess in here-"

I push past her and start walking towards the door, "Mom, please. I'll get it later, I need to leave."

"Fine, fine, your father is in the car waiting, go."

I run down the stairs instead of taking the elevator and jump into my dad's car.

"Farkle, are you oka-"

"No...not really, I need to call Riley."

I was supposed to meet up with Riley, Maya, Lucas, Zay and Smackle at Riley's house to take pictures before the ceremony, but I'm too late already.

I whip out my phone and Riley answers immediately, "Hello?"

I'm so nervous that I can't keep calm. "Riley!"

"Hey, where are you?" She asks, "Everyone else is already-"

I cut her off, "You guys will have to go without me."

"But, Far-"

"I need you to look for my speech."

"Why would I have your-"

"Just look for it!" I exclaim, far too harshly.

I can almost see her disappointed face right now, so I calm down, "Please?"

"I don't think it's here, but I'll look. And we're getting pictures after the ceremony and you can't complain about it!"

I smile, "Thank you, I love you."

"Yeah, yeah," she replies jokingly and hangs up.

We pull up to the school and my dad looks back at me, "I can't believe you forgot your speech."

"Dad, not now."

"I'm serious! There's no way it'll be any good without a plan. You might as well just hand the title to Smackle and not embarrass our family."

I hop out of the car, "Thanks for the confidence."

I hear him sincerely saying, 'you're welcome' as I jog to the school.

I'll never get used to that.

I run backstage where everyone is standing in the wings, waiting to make their grand entrance. I know they're waiting on me because I'm supposed to lead a line, but I have to find my speech.

Everyone looks the same in the caps and gowns, so I yell, "Riley! Riley? Where are you?"

"Farkle?" I hear Riley respond.

I run towards her voice and finally find her standing with all of the other M last names. 

Duh, genius.

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