Genius Meets Midnight Fights

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While Riley is taking a shower, I leave my room and walk into the living room where the party was.

Luckily, the mess everyone left wasn't too bad. But it's still so gross in here.

I start throwing bottles and cans into trash bags, silently cursing Maya for bringing them in the first place.

Most of it is cleaned up by the time I hear the shower turn off and my bathroom door opens.

I walk back into my room, "Feeling any better?" I ask Riley, who's changed and holding my bathroom door frame.

She bursts out giggling.

Well at least she isn't throwing up.

"Please just come and sit down before you hurt yourself." I point at my bed.

She rolls her eyes, "Fine, buzzkill."

I let out a small laugh, "I've been getting that all night."

I walk over to my bed and sit next to Riley.

She puts her head on my shoulder, "Did I just ruin my relationship with Lucas?"


"Well, it's definitely more complicated," I pause, "but you guys just need to talk it out. That's what you haven't been doing, and you need to. When you're both honest and open with each other, everything will work itself out."

She sighs, "But what if he doesn't want to hear the truth?"

My heart starts pounding, "Why wouldn't he?"

Riley sits up and looks into my eyes, "Farkle, you know why."

"I don't," I lie.

I know why. But if I admit it then something will happen, Riley would've cheated on Lucas, and I'm not about to do that. That isn't me and that isn't her. We're better than that.

Out of no where, Riley puts her hand on my cheek to turn me towards her and leans in to kiss me.

I grab hold of her shoulders and push her away, "Riley, stop, we can't."

"I love you, you love me," she forces my hands off of her, "What's stopping us?"

"Maybe the fact that you're wasted and, oh yeah, dating someone!" I exclaim.

I feel all of my frustration bubbling up. I'm so tired of this back and forth game. I can't handle this anymore. I can't repress my feelings anymore.

So I explode, "You can't keep doing this to me!"

Riley takes her hands away from me, "What?"

"Whenever we're both single, we don't get together. Whenever someone is dating someone else, we almost kiss. We have done this how many times now? I'm not a cheater, Riley, and I won't let you be one either."

"Farkle," she whispers in disbelief.

"Do you think it doesn't kill me when I see you two together?" my voice raises, "Do you think my heart doesn't keep breaking with every kiss and hug and stare?"

Riley matches my energy, "You can't be upset! You told me to do this! You told me to be with Lucas!"

"How could I not be upset when I'm still in love with you?" I ask desperately.

The room goes silent for a second.

I put my hands on my head and start pulling my hair to calm down.

"I cannot believe you," Riley states, coldly.

I look up, "What?"

"You sat me down and told me to choose Lucas. I listened to you because I value your opinion."

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