Genius Meets Hospitals

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I know this is written differently (intentionally), but it contains plot so it's important.

Farkle (con)

"Farkle, if you can hear me, I'm so sorry. I never meant to send you to him, I shouldn't have told you that it was him in the first place. I know you were just trying to protect me, but how could you be so stupid? You don't have to fight my battles like this, you know that! I still love you though. I love you more than I can start to explain.

"You staying meant so much to me. And I wish I wasn't in a relationship and that it could have not been so weirdly secretive because I don't want anymore secrets. I'm allowed to love you and shouldn't have to pretend I don't because it might make someone upset.

"Sometimes I wish I wasn't in a relationship at all. I wish I didn't listen to you three months ago and just had actually gone for what I wanted. Why did you send me away? I know you thought I wanted to finally have my chance with Lucas...but what if he's not whom I wanted the chance with?

"Evan deleted the photo. He called me while his mom called the EMTs and told me and asked me to promise I wouldn't say anything. I said I'd be quiet if he deleted the photo and left me alone. He did. You don't have to worry about that anymore.

"He has a big bruise on his cheek. He may have knocked you out, but you got him. I don't know if anyone ever said geniuses couldn't beat someone up, but they're very wrong. I'm not encouraging violence, but thanks for that.

"I didn't do anything to myself since I saw you. Before I got called here, I talked to Maya. Now both of you know and everything will be okay. Evan is going to back off. And now I have you back in my life again...or at least you better stay. Please don't pull away because of this. I need you in my life, Farkle.

"I hope you wake up soon. Everyone really misses you. I really miss you."

There are footsteps, "Miss, you understand he's not in a coma, right?"

"Oh, then why isn't he awake?"

"He's just sleeping."

"Can I wait here until he gets up?"


I don't know when I should break it to Riley that I heard all of that. 

I also don't know how long I should keep pretending to sleep. I don't know if she'll say or do anything more, and I'm really curious to find out. 

But I should get out of here. Someone else probably needs this room more than I do.

I have no idea where exactly I'm hurt. I feel numb, they must have me on pain killers. 

I should get up, right?

"Okay, she left," Riley whispers.

"I don't know when you'll get up, so I just want to get this out to you while you're sleeping so I can feel like I'm not lying to myself anymore. You told me not to lie to myself.

"I'd be lying to myself if I said that I didn't want to be with you. I do. I really do. But I'm going to stay with Lucas. That seems is crazy. I just feel so bad for him, I haven't given him the fair chance that he deserves. I'm going to do that for now and if it doesn't work I know I love you.

"Oh god, that makes you seem like the backup plan or something. You aren't, I promise. If anything, I think we're the endgame. I think we're going to be together no matter how many Smackles or Lucases we date. I just feel like I have to see this through. I'm sorry if this probably does. But just know that I love you and I always will."

She goes silent and I consider opening my eyes until I feel a light kiss on my cheek. 

"I hope you wake up soon."

I give it a few seconds before pretending like I'm just waking up.

The moment I open my eyes, I see her staring back down at me with a huge smile. 

"Farkle, you're alive!"

"I don't think I was ever dead."

I try to sit up, but sharp stabs of pain go up my arm.

My right hand is in a cast, I can feel some sort of pain on my chin, and my left shoulder hurts. 

At least I can walk?

I try to look at my injuries, "Geez, what did he do to me?"

Riley's smile fades, "I wasn't there, but a witness said that, after you punched him, he came back and hit you across your chin and knocked you down. You fell on your left side so your shoulder is all bruised, but not broken."

"What about my hand?"

"That's from punching Evan. You really hit him hard."

I groan, "But now I can't write or type or play piano. How am I supposed to beat Smackle for Valedictorian if I'm debilitated?" 

Riley rolls her eyes, "Farkle, you're fine. You have one working hand and you're the smartest genius I know. Everyone can help you. We believe in you."

I smile up at her, "I'll hold you to that."

She sits on the side of my bed, "Did you hear anything I said?"

Yes. Everything.

"What do you mean? I was sleeping," I lie.

"Okay, okay," she looks relieved, "Don't worry about it. I was just saying silly Rileytown stuff and I'm a little embarrassed about it."

Well at least she's lying too, "Well, Rileytown is my favorite place in the world, so if you ever want to take me there, I'd love to go."

Riley bites her lip and blushes. 

Good one, Farkle.

I look around the room, "Do you know where the doctor is? I want to leave. I still have a chem study group at 7:00 in Topanga's."

"Can you calm down?" Riley presses the call button by my head, "It's 5:00 I don't know if you'll make it."

"Oh, I'm going to make it."

I stare up into Riley's eyes, "Thank you for being here. You didn't have to stay."

"Of course I stayed. You did for me."

"I did."

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