Genius Meets Fainting

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Farkle (con)

My quiet walk to Riley's window was filled with thoughts bouncing around my head.

In only one hour at Topanga's, the romantic relationships in our group of friends exploded.

I broke up with Smackle.

Maya broke up with Lucas.

Riley broke up with Charlie.

Lucas was right, we are all going into the year as spinsters.

I get to the fire escape and Riley's window is lit up.

I'm about to climb through the open window when I hear voices,

"Peaches, how do you know you love Josh." Riley sounds happy.

I guess Maya beat me.

"I don't know about love, yet. But I know what I feel. I follow my heart, we've known that since middle school. Somehow my heart just knows." She pauses, "I really like Josh, Riley. I want to be with him."

"I know you do. It seems like he wants to be with you too. I don't know about now, but I think you'll be together soon. I just know it."

"What about you?" Maya asks.

My heart stops.

"You almost kissed Farkle. How did that happen, why did it happen?"

Riley sighs, "You should have heard him. The way how he talked about his feelings and everything that happened with that stupid beaker."

I can't tell if this is a good thing or a bad thing. I can't get a read on her whatsoever. I can't see her. Even if I could, it probably wouldn't matter.

"I've never heard him talk so openly about feelings. He was so vulnerable. He admitted he didn't know what was happening to him. I don't know Maya, I just saw this whole other side of him. Farkle and I...we've always been close. I know a lot about him and he's been vulnerable before, but not like this. I've always loved him."

If I was nervous before, it was nothing compared to now.

"I just fell more in love. I felt a connection and I wanted to show him that. It was me who went to kiss him. They should have gotten mad at me."

There's a moment of silence that feels like it's lasting forever.

"So what now? Are you going to try and be with him?" Maya finally breaks the silence.

"I don't know. He's my best friend, besides you of course. If something happens, I don't know if I can live without him. I never want to lose him."

"Well, we're just a few days away from New Years," I can feel Maya smirking, "Make sure you start it off right."

I just remembered I'm immediately outside of the window that Maya is about to climb out of in about two sec-

"Well hello." Maya whispers.

I jump, putting my hand on my chest, "Hi."

"I'm assuming you heard that."

"Little bit."

Maya smiles and nods, "Go get 'er."

I smile back at her and turn to jump into the window.

Riley looks at me from the other side of the bay window as I sit with a smile on her face.

"Hey Farkle."

"Hi Riles."

She pulls her legs up to criss-cross them and turns to face me, "It's been a crazy week, hasn't it?"

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