Genius Meets Distance

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Farkle (con)

It's been two months. Two months since Riley's birthday and two months of staying away from her as much as possible. I haven't really talked to any of them. I've talked to Zay maybe twice and Maya a few times, but nothing like we used to.

Riley left early the morning after her party and barely said anything to me except a quick 'thank you.'

I moved to the seat behind the one I used to sit in and Charlie quickly sat in mine. He doesn't really talk to the rest of the group, but I know he relishes in the fact that I'm secluded from them.

I don't talk in class anymore, and all of my teachers can feel it. The one day Mr. Matthews asked me to stay back, I made up a lame excuse and ran away.

"Farkle," Mr. Matthews is standing at my desk.

Everyone else had left, but I was too lost in my thoughts to notice.

"Sorry Mr. Matthews, I'll go." I stand up and start grabbing my books.

"No," he puts his hand on the top of my books and pushes them back onto my desk, "come with me."

"But sir I have to go to-"

"Come on."

I sigh and follow Mr. Matthews out of his classroom and through the hallway.

"Where are we going?"

He smiles, "Now this is the Farkle I know: talking too much and asking too many questions."

I can't help but smile a little at that.

We walk into the auditorium and he leads me up onto the stage. We stop in the middle and look out into the crowd.

"In just ten days, you're going to stand here and address your class."

I whip my head to look at him, "Wait, I'm valedictorian?"

He raises his eyebrows, "Is that what you're worried about?"

"Sorry," I mumble.

I know that's not why he pulled me in here. He wants to talk about Riley.

"Farkle, you're about to talk to an entire room of people and represent your class," He gestures to the huge seating section, "Are you ready?"

"I mean, I have something written out," I shrug.

He shakes his head, "No, I'm sure you wrote something beautiful, but do you truly have the heart to read it?"

"What do you mean?"

"I notice things, Farkle," Mr. Matthews turns to face me full on, "You've distanced yourself from everyone. How can you represent the class when you're not being a part of it?"

"I don't know," I look down.

He's right. I've lost the connection I've had with this school since I stopped talking to my friends.

"Why are you valedictorian?" Mr. Matthews says in his teacher voice.

I pick my head up, "Because I have the highest GPA in the class, sir."

"I don't think that's the only reason why," he states.

"Well there's no other criteria."

Where is he going with this?

"Maybe, but being valedictorian isn't only about being smart. We have the valedictorian address the class at graduation because they are meant to be a success."

He starts walking around the stage, "They're meant to represent the potential of the whole graduating class. GPA is only one piece of potential."

He stops and faces me, "Do you understand what I'm trying to say?"

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