Genius Meets Explanations

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Farkle (con)

"Hi Smackle."

Smackle sits down on the couch next to me and gives me an awkward side hug, "Hello dearest of dears. How are you on this fine day?"

I give her the worst half smile I've ever given, "Not too great."

It really wasn't great at all.

I woke up from a panic attack. I upset Riley.

And now I had to hurt someone I really care about.

She looks at me confused, "This is a feeling you need to explain."

I take deep breath and grab her hand.

"Smackle, we started this experiment to see if like forces repel."


"I don't think they repel, but I've been learning a lot about feelings."

Her smile drops, "I don't have to be a genius to know where this is going."

"Feelings don't have a place in science," I can feel my nerves creeping up on me, "and, while I don't think like forces repel...."

"You think we need to adjust our hypothesis." She finishes.

"I do."

Smackle's face is blank. She's still learning feelings too. I wish I could help her.

"So, I guess you're going back to just being my arch-nemesis." Smackle lets go of my hand.

"Yeah." I feel dizzy.

Smackle shakes her head, "What happened? What did I do wrong?"

I hate myself for doing this to her, "I made an observation."

"An observation that I'm not enough for you? I don't feel enough for you?"

"Wait, Smackle, hold on," I feel so bad. I feel so stupid, "I looked around and realized that what we were doing was wrong. All of these relationships around us have feelings that are uncontrollable and new. We're together for the wrong reasons."

Smackle's face turns red, "I thought we were learning feelings together."

"And we did, and still are. We will be for a while," I face her full on, "Smackle, we deserve to fully explore our feelings."

She nods, "Because feelings are stronger than science."

"I've concluded that they are."

Smackle stands up, "Thank you, Farkle. We've learned a lot together."

"We have," I stand and face her, "and I hope we can still be friendly archenemies."

"We can. Goodbye Farkle."

Smackle walks out of Topanga's.

I'm glad I did that, I knew I had to.

I think I realized a long time ago that Smackle and I were only an experiment. I knew it wouldn't work out.

I just didn't want to admit it.

When scientists draw their final conclusion and share what they've learned, they move on to have another discovery.

So, what's mine?

I jump when someone shakes my shoulder.

"Farkle, buddy," Lucas looks concerned, "Are you okay? You spaced out into your own little world."

"Yeah, yeah I'm okay," I shake off my nerves.

I didn't realize it was already 7:00 p.m. We all get together at Topanga's after dinner.

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