Genius Meets Pictures

55 4 7

This and the next are shorter chapters so I'll post the other tomorrow :)

Farkle (con)

I take a deep breath and knock on the Matthews' door.

I decided to actually go to the front door today. Now that Riley and I are together, I'm not sure how Mr. Matthews would react to me coming through her bedroom window.

Mrs. Matthews opens the door and smiles at me, "Hello there, Farkle. You look nice."

I glance down at my tux like I suddenly forgot what I was wearing. 

"Thanks Mrs. Matthews."

"Please, call me Topanga. I'm not your teacher and never want to feel like one."

I laugh nervously, "Topanga."

"You!" Mr. Matthews pops out of nowhere and points his finger at me.

I'm speechless and terrified so I just stick out my hand for him to shake.

He glances down at my hand with disgust but then laughs, "No, I've known you for too long to pretend like you need to shake my hand."

Mr. Matthews instead grabs my hand and pulls me in for a hug. 

Josh was right. This family is going to accept me.

Josh appears from the background, also dressed in a tux, and walks up to me, "I guess I'll shake your hand then."

I smile and try not to squeeze his hand too hard.

I guess he ended up saying yes to Maya.  

I look around, "Where are Riley and Maya?"

"In Riley's room, taking forever to get out here."

Topanga walks over to the hallway, "You girls need to hurry up or your dates will leave!"

Mr Matthews perks up, "But if they leave then Riley won't ever grow up and I would love that!" 

"Oh, come on Cory, they're 18. I think they're pretty grown up."

"Shhh, don't let them know that."

Riley and Maya round the corner of the hallway and everything seems to stop.

She looks beautiful.

We lock eyes and she gives me her classic, huge, Riley smile.

Someone snaps in front of my face and I turn to see Mr. Matthews with that worried-dad look, "You stop that."

"Can you calm down?" Topanga pulls him back.

He frowns for a moment before approaching his daughter, "You don't have to go. You could stay here and we can watch a movie and send those boys home."

Riley laughs and hugs him, "Dad, come on. You tell me everyday that I need to grow and take on the world. I can't do that from this apartment."

"Don't listen to me! I know nothing."

She shakes her head, still smiling, "I love you too."

Mr. Matthews looks back at his wife, "Topanga! She's growing up and I can't stop it."

Topanga hugs her daughter, "She learns a lot from her social studies teacher. I've heard he's pretty great."

Riley walks up to me, "I don't think I've seen you this dressed up in a while."

"Only for you," I wink at her, making her blush.

Maya joins us and puts her arm around my shoulders, "Our little boy is all grown up, huh Matthews?"

Mr. Matthews shakes his head, "I'm not allowed to comment anymore."

Topanga rolls her eyes, "Quiet you. Let's get pictures."

"Mom, please," Riley whines, "Can't we just go?"

"I won't annoy you like your father, but we will get pictures. This is a big moment! You'll want to remember tonight forever."

The four of us squeeze together and Topanga takes photos from every possible angle. 

"Okay, we're done," Riley grabs my hand and starts pulling me towards the door.

Topanga runs in front of us, "Just one picture of you and Farkle and then the camera will go away, I promise."

Riley sighs, "Fine."

I don't complain because I get to hold Riley for just a little during this picture.

I glance at her, getting her attention, "Why are you looking at me?"

"I don't know," I feel giddy inside, "I guess I'm just remembering how much I love you."

The expression on her face changes and, out of nowhere, she kisses my cheek.

Mr. Matthews doesn't waste a second before rushing towards us, "Absolutely not-"

"Cory!" Topanga stops him and gives us a pained smile, "I think you should leave before Farkle is murdered."

"Let's go." Riley orders and leads Josh, Maya and me out of the building and to the subway.

When we finally get a moment to breathe in the station, I stare at Riley for a few seconds, "You really do look beautiful."

She blushes, "I'm surprised you didn't say that earlier."

"And give your dad more reason to try and keep you from going to the dance?" I shake my head, "No way. This is our night."

Riley smiles and takes my hand.

This is too good to be real.

Maya glares at us, "Ew, can you two stop? Will we be dealing with this all night?"

Riley and I nod, "Probably."

"I guess you'll just have to pay attention to your date." Josh grins and pokes Maya.

Maya bites her lip and looks down.

"Oh my god, Maya is blushing." I say quietly, but loud enough that everyone could hear me.

Her head whips up, "I don't care that we're supposed to look nice tonight, I will hurt you."

"I don't doubt it."

And we get on the train.

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