Genius Meets Blowup

59 4 16

Farkle (con)

My eyes widen and I look up to see Lucas staring at us, shocked.

"Y-you guys kissed?" He points between us, looking more hurt than angry.

I stare at him silently. I'm too scared to answer.

"Yes, we did!" Riley drunkenly turns around and faces Lucas, "I wanted to be with Farkle, but he told me to be with you."

He looks up at me for confirmation, but I don't say a word.

"So then I kissed him," Riley rotates right back to me, "and it was amazing."

So she's an honest drunk. Great.

Wait, did she just say amazing?

"It was before you two were together," I say, trying to save my life, "I'm sorry."

Lucas sighs, "Why didn't you tell me?"

Because I don't want to die.

I shrug, "I-I knew it wouldn't help."

Riley throws herself onto to him so he's holding her up, "It's fine, Lucas. He told me to choose you, I'm with you, and the worst thing we did was sleep in the same bed, that was all."

His jaw drops a little, "You slept in the same bed?"

Riley taps his nose playfully, "Well Farkle found out that I was being bullied so-"

"You were being bullied?" Lucas peels Riley off of him and and holds her up from a distance, "Who was bullying you?"

"Evan, from the ski lodge."

"Him? Why would he care?" Lucas throws his arms up and looks at me, "Why didn't you tell me about that?"

I swallow, "I took care of it right after I found out."

"What do you mean?"

"Where do you think this came from?" I raise up my hand.

He looks at me like he doesn't believe me.

He definitely underestimates my anger.

"But you slept with Riley?" Lucas asks loudly.

The entire room goes silent and looks at us.

I'm going to pass out.

"No!" I hold my hands up, "Well, actually I guess but, no, wait, not the way you think. I just stayed the night."

Awful save.

"You're trying to make a move on my girlfriend." Lucas points at me threateningly.

I back away, "No, I-"

"I asked him to stay," Riley stumbles back over to me and I catch her, "He was just being a great friend. He's such a great friend."


She pinches my cheeks and rocks my face back and forth.

"He's so good to you too, Lucas. Farkle, remember the time I tried to kiss you at your piano and you stopped me? You're such a good friend."

Lucas grabs Riley's arm, "You tried to kiss him? What the hell is happening?"

I look back and forth between them, "I think we should talk about this tomorrow when everyone is sober."

Lucas glares at me and then turns back to Riley, looking at her with absolute disgust.

"I'm leaving," He lets go of her arm.

"Aren't you going to take her home-"

"I'm leaving," he cuts me off, "It seems like you've been able to take care of her."

"Wait, Lucas, don't leave me," Riley grabs his hand, "You're supposed to be all big and strong and supportive."

He yanks his hand out from hers, "Well I guess I'm just tired, Riley."

Lucas leaves both of us, pushes through the swarm of people staring, and walks out the door.

Everyone looks away and goes back to partying.



She leans her head on my shoulder and sighs, "I just messed up, didn't I?"

We both did. A long time ago.

"I mean, you were honest. He had to find out sooner or later. Maybe not on your birthday, though."

She jumps up, "Right! It's my birthday! I don't need him to have fun," Riley downs a shot someone else had poured on the table.

She grabs my hand and pulls me into the room, "Let's dance!"

I almost fall over, but she starts bouncing up and down, "Riley, I think I should take you home."

"Farkle, I think you need to loosen up," she spins me around, "Have fun! It's my birthday, you have to have fun."

I stable myself and look at her. Her face is pale, "You don't look okay."

She stumbles over to a trashcan, "I think I'm gonna-"

And she throws up.


At least it's in a trash can, I guess.

Everyone starts clearing out when they see the mess.

When the last person closes the door, I glance over at Riley, who's sitting on the floor, holding her stomach

I walk up to her and kneel to her level, "Come on."

I practically carry her into my room.

"My bathroom is on the right, go take a shower."

She lazily rolls her head to make eye contact with me, "But what will I wear?"

I make sure she can stand before going to my dresser and rummaging through a few drawers.

"Here," I hand her my shirt from NYC Pride and drawstring shorts.

"Thanks sparkle, you're so amazing," She taps my cheek, turns around -- almost falling over -- and disappears into my bathroom.

Not even a minute later, I hear, "Farkle, I can't figure out your shower."

I sigh and walk into my bathroom, where Riley is sprawled out on the floor.

I reach out my hand to sit her up, "Soap and shampoo are in the tub. All you have to do is turn the water on and then pull the knob towards you."

"You're the best genius in the world wide whole!" She yells and hugs me.

"You smell awful please take a shower."

She backs off, "Only because you said please."

I walk out and close the door behind me.

What the hell have I gotten myself into?

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