Genius Meets Flashback

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Farkle (con)

- 1 month ago -

I take a deep breath an unwrap my hand from its bandage.

My doctor said it was finally good to go whenever I was ready, but it took me a whole week to work up the courage to go through with it.

I open and close my fist slowly, trying to stretch out my hand. It feels so stiff and gross, but at least it's fixed.

The real test is piano.

I sit down and start plunking out the only song I've memorized completely by heart.

'I wanna hold your hand.'

Riley's song.

By the time I get to the chorus, my hand starts feeling more free and almost normal. Just about the only thing that's felt normal in a long time.

There's a light knock on my door, "Farkle, honey."

I turn around to see my mom cracking my door and peeking in, "You have a guest."

She opens the door wider and I see Riley standing behind her, "Thanks, mom."

She walks away, leaving Riley standing in my doorway.

We just stare at each other because neither of us really know what to say.

I open my mouth, but it takes at least 30 seconds before I finally say, "You can come in."

"Thanks," Riley walks in slowly, looking around.

I slide over on my bench and pat it.

She gives me a small smile and sits.

"You didn't want to take the window?" I ask jokingly.

"I wore a skirt today," she smiles, "I didn't think the window was the best idea."

She pauses, "I also didn't know...."

I nod, "Right."


Someone please help me.

Riley clears her throat, "I heard you playing. It sounded really good, considering."

I make eye contact with her and smile, "Thanks."

Another long, very very awkward, silence.

"I miss you," Riley blurts out unexpectedly.

Without any thought I hear myself say, "I miss you too."

Not even a second later, Riley wraps her arms around me and pulls me into a tight hug.

It feels so good to finally hug her after so long.

She backs away, "I can't go on like this, Farkle. I need you in my life and I can't accept you just wanting to leave. You mean so much to me."

I put my hand on her cheek, "I never wanted to hurt you, and I'm sorry if I did. I just thought space would help us...."

My hand falls.

"Help us what?" she looks deep into my eyes.

"I don't know."

I do know. We needed to get over each other. We needed to stop this never-ending lust that was tearing apart her relationship with Lucas.

But admitting all of that will unpack information that will only make all of this harder.
I miss her, but that distance was making it easier.

I think.

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