Genius Meets Defense

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My mind wakes up, but I don't open my eyes.

I like to let my mind run through the day before actually getting up. It helps me feel less anxious.

But this morning feels different, and I can't tell why.

I break my tradition and open my eye to see a head of hair buried into my chest.

I totally forgot.

Riley is knocked out cold. The clock on her wall says it's only 9:00 in the morning and I know she's 11:00 kind of girl on the weekends. 

I reach into my pocket to get my phone but I pull out Riley's instead. I totally forgot about this too.

Apparently my mind isn't running as strong as it should this morning. I have prep for a chem test later so it needs to get itself together.

I turn on her phone and 3 text notifications from Evan pop up. 

I know I shouldn't look. She should have her privacy.

But this is different. This is personal. 

You didn't answer, so I thought I'd pay a visit. Turns out Farkle didn't reject you this time.

He came here? 

I look over at the window and see that it's locked. 

Thank god.

See Attachment.

I open the attachment and there's a picture. You can clearly see Riley and I together in her bed sleeping. There's no denying it at all. 

He got us.

If you don't come to the ski lodge before 1:00 today, it'll be sent to the whole school. Including Lucas.

My body goes cold. 

We didn't think. We didn't predict this would happen. How could we?

I'm not letting him send it. I'm not going to be the person who ruins Riley's life when all she did was want someone to comfort her. 

We didn't do anything wrong, but Lucas won't believe that. Not after everything that's happened.

I delete those messages and the others she hasn't seen from last night. Seeing them will only make her more upset. And I don't want her chasing me to the ski lodge. I'm taking care of this. 

I reach behind myself and put her phone on her bedside table, making her stir.

Shit, I don't want to wake her up. 

"Farkle?" Riley looks up at me and rubs her eyes.

"Morning sunshine."

"What time is it?"

I look up at her clock, "9:34."

"It's so early, don't make me get up," she whines.

Riley puts her arms around me and pulls me towards her so I can't escape.

My heart is so full, I don't want to let go for her.

I feel a weird childlike giggliness in my chest. It makes me feel so stupid, but I guess that's what love does.

If I've learned anything in the past six years I've spent trying to learn about love, it's that what you feel is hard to explain. Sometimes words can't do it justice.

But then her phone buzzes and snaps me back into reality.

As much as I want to stay, I have to stop Evan. A few hours of domestic bliss isn't worth having our lives fall apart.

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