Genius Meets Fallout

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Farkle (con)

No one says a word.

Charlie stands up and walks out of Topanga's.

Riley runs after him, "Charlie, wait!"

Maya puts her head in her hands and sighs in frustration.

Josh puts his attention on Maya, not even caring about the rest of us.

"How could you?" Lucas mumbles from across the room.

"What?" My voice is so shaky.

Lucas stands and walks over to me, getting too close for comfort, "How could you do that to her? To Charlie? To Smackle?"

"Lucas, nothing actually happened. It was spur of the moment. You did the same with Maya. Campfire, remember?"

"I wasn't dating anyone, and neither was Maya."

I roll my eyes, "But what are you even doing now? Everyone else has clearly defined relationships except you."

"Yeah, Lucas," Josh comes and joins us.

Here we go.

"What are you and Maya? Because, from my point of view, you might as well just be friends."

Lucas turns around defensively, "Since when is it your business? You're three years older, you're in college. Why are you even here?"

"Lucas," Maya finally speaks up from across the room, "tell me what we are. "


"Tell me what we are, Lucas. I'm tired of not knowing. I'm tired of sitting next to you because I think I have to. I'm tired of stopping myself from being with others because I don't know what I am to you."

Lucas stands dumbfounded. No one says a word.

Tears start rolling down Maya's cheeks, "If you won't say it, I will. We're nothing, Lucas. We can be friends, but I'm sick of living in uncertainty."

She turns around and walks right out of Topanga's.

It doesn't take a second for Josh to run after her.

Charlie comes storming back into Topanga's.

"Charlie, wait, it's not his fault." Riley is chasing after him.

But she's not fast enough.

And neither am I, because Charlie walks right up to me and punches my jaw before I could even start to react.

What did I do to get to here? What decisions led to me being punched by Charlie Gardner of all people?

"Oh my god!" Riley exclaims as she runs over to me.

She puts one hand on my cheek, the same one from last night, "Are you okay? I'm so so sorry."

Charlie grabs Riley by the wrist and pulls her away, "He deserved it. He tried to kiss my girlfriend."

I don't know how we missed how weirdly controlling Charlie is until now.

Riley yanks her wrist away, "I'm not your girlfriend, Charlie. You hurt my friend over absolutely nothing."


"Want to talk about absolutely nothing? That's what he is, Riley. Why are you defending him? He's a nothing, he's a freak. You can't possibly love him."

A nothing.

"Hold on," Lucas, after standing there and doing nothing, pushes his way into the crowd, "How could you say that?"

Charlie backs away, "He tried to kiss Riley. He talks about a relationship like it's an experiment. How could you support him?"

He's right. I hurt Smackle, I ruined Riley's relationship, I upset Lucas. I don't understand love.

"That doesn't mean you have the right to call him a nothing! He's a great person, he's fun to be around, he's an absolute genius. Anyone who thinks he's a nothing, is a nothing."

Riley looks over at me, "And so what if I love him," she smiles, "there's so much to love and you not being able to see that is why you need to leave."

My heart is beating so fast that it feels like my chest is buzzing.

She said she loves me. She's said it before, but it's different this time. It has to be.

"You heard her, leave," Lucas points at the door.

Charlie rolls his eyes and walks out of Topanga's.

"Are you okay?" Lucas turns his attention to me.

"I'm fine." I wince.

Charlie bruised my jaw pretty well.

Lucas sighs, "I'm sorry, Farkle. You're right, it isn't my business. And it's not like my relationships are doing so well either."

"I'm sorry about Maya."

"I had it coming," he looks towards the door of Topanga's, "Besides, I didn't think we were ever meant to be in the first place. Seems like she has someone else at her side."

I feel so bad for him. I knew what Maya felt and I didn't say a word.

He smiles and looks back at Riley and me, "Well look at us. A few spinsters about to walk into the new year."

Lucas walks past us, "I have a lot to process. I'll see you both tomorrow." And he leaves.

"Riley, I'm so sor-"

Riley pulls me into a strong hug. I wrap my arms around her waist and hold her.

"Don't be sorry," She mumbles, "It needed to happen. It was going to eventually. Might as well be before the new year."

"You're right. I guess you're the genius." I laugh.

She pulls away with a big Riley smile, "I don't think I could even start to compare."

As if on cue, Josh walks back into Topanga's, "I always seem to find you two in compromising positions, don't I?"

He walks up closer to us, "And I'm sorry about earlier. I was tired of watching you all struggle to tell the truth."

"It's okay," Riley leans on his shoulder, "You're my uncle. I should accept wisdom from you sometimes."

"I'm glad you finally came to your senses," Josh pats her head, "Let's head home, kid."

Riley turns back to me, "Bay window. Actually this time."

I smile and nod, "Of course."

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