Genius Meets Beakers

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Farkle (con)

I "do dah" my way into science class and sit at a lab table next to Riley, who gives me a bright smile.

Earlier this morning, she woke up and realized she had fallen asleep on me. After apologizing profusely, she thanked me and told me that she loved having me in her life.

She didn't even have to thank me. I would do anything to make her happy, even if it meant sleeping in the bay window. 

I've always had a soft spot for Riley that I've never quite understood. Of course I love her and Maya, but Riley and I have always been closer. We get each other in a way no one else does.

Mr. Norton walks into the classroom, "It's time to talk about your midterm!"

As per usual, everyone sighs and I give an enthusiastic, "Yay!"

"Years ago, you did an experiment that most of you were unable to pass. I want to try something similar and see how many of you have grown."

"What is he even talking about?" Lucas looks over at Riley and me.

I shrug, "I don't remember failing anything. I'm a could I fail?"

"We've always gotten A's," Riley says slowly, "Maybe he's trying to trick us."

Mr. Norton claps his hands together to get our attention, "In front of you is a beaker with water in it and a vile of red powder. One partner will pour in the powder after school today and the other will look at the substance tomorrow."

I raise my hand, "How do we choose who does what?"

He smiles, "That's up to you. I trust you'll do the right thing, Farkle. Begin!"

I turn to Riley, "So, obviously, he wants me to do the science."

She shakes her head, "He didn't say that. He said you'll do the right thing."

"Riley, we know I'm the genius here. I can get us an A." I state.

She looks offended, "And how do you know I can't?"

"It isn't personal," I shrug, "I'm in the race for valedictorian against Smackle, so I need an A on this. You can do the next one."

"Farkle, that's bullshit and you know it," she snaps.

I scoff, "Don't be naive."

Riley looks genuinely offended, "Naive? Seriously? Just because I'm not the 'genius' doesn't mean I'm not capable. Why aren't you letting me reach my full potential?"

I don't really understand what the big deal is, "I'm just better than you at this."

"If you really cared about me, you would help me grow, not hold me back," she stands and comes close to me.

I stand and face her, "I'm not trying to hold you back...and of course I care about you."

"I know." She states, her face going blank.

"I'm sorry." I say quietly.


We stare at each other, making more eye contact than I've ever made with anyone. I don't know what to say and neither does she. I feel something, I don't know what it is.

The bell rings, breaking our stare down, and we leave.

The school day ends and I see Riley and Maya heading towards Norton's classroom. I guess she decided to mix in the powder.

Earlier that day I had grabbed an extra vile and I intended on giving it a look. There's something to this experiment that Mr. Norton isn't telling us. I'm going to find out.

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