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Dawn's POV

"Dawn, it's time to get up!" Yells my best friend and she pulls the sheets from my face.

"5 more minutes Ava." I groan. I am definitely not a morning person.

"Remember, it's adoption day."

"Crap! That's right! I have to get ready!" I  stumble out of bed and shoo Ava away. I take off my pjs and put this on.

 I take off my pjs and put this on

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Then I put on makeup

Soon I'm putting my hair in a high ponytail and let the curls dangle

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Soon I'm putting my hair in a high ponytail and let the curls dangle. I grab my iPhone XR and make my way downstairs. I am soon greeted by Mrs. Green.

Mrs. Green, the head of the orphanage, is really nice. Not like those mean old ladies in movies. She shows us a picture of the man who is interviewing us today for adoption.

  She shows us a picture of the man who is interviewing us today for adoption

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I recognize him right away. He's Tom Holland! My favorite actor in the whole world! Now I'm nervous. I realize that I could be adopted by this man.

"Ok kids, line up in your age groups. 12-13 here, 14-15 here, and 16-17 here." Mrs. Green orders. I quickly go find Ava. She is the same age as me so it works out pretty well. There are also little kids in the orphanage, but Tom only wants older kids. Hmm wonder why?

One by one every kid goes into an office to meet Tom. As each kid walks through that door I get more, and more nervous. What if he doesn't like me? What if he doesn't like my personality? I think.

"Dawn. You're next." Mrs. Green calls. I take a deep breath and make my way to the office.
I walk in and sit in front of Tom. He smiles at me.

"Hi. I'm Tom." 

"I'm Dawn." I greet with a smile. 

"I have some questions to ask you." Tom starts. "First question: How old are you?" 

"16." I answer. He smiles at you again. 

"Where were you born?"

"Here in London."

"Nice! When were you born?"

"January 23 2003."

"Ok great! Those are all my questions."

"Great!" I get up and shake Tom's hand. Walking out the door, I have a good feeling about this one.

About 20 minutes later the last person walks out of the office. Mrs. Green then calls me back in. My heart skips as I walk towards her. Tom is sitting there smiling from cheek to cheek. I sit back down and look at Tom. 

"Dawn, I have one more question to ask you." Tom says.

"Fire away."

"Can I adopt you?"


"So is that a yes?" He asks.

"Yes. It's a big yes!" We get up and hug each other. 

"Thank you." I whisper.

"No problem Darling. Now, go pack while I get some forms signed."

I quickly go upstairs and get tackled by Ava. We both fall on my bed and start laughing.

"You're getting adopted!" She screamed!

"I know! I'm so happy! But I'm gonna miss you so much."

"Don't worry about me. We can still text." 

"Will you help me pack?" 

We quickly pack and head downstairs. Tom is standing there holding some papers. 

"I'm gonna miss you so much Ava." I say with tears in my eyes.

"I'm gonna miss you too." We hug tightly and let go. I walk over to Tom and wave bye to Ava and Mrs.Green .We walk out of the orphanage and get into Tom's car. Tom puts my suit case in the trunk and gets in. 

"You ready?" He asks.

"Ready as I'll ever be." And we ride off. Away from my old home and towards my new.

Hope you all liked this story so far! Message me what you want to happen! 

Adopted By Tom HollandWhere stories live. Discover now