Fundraiser Fail

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A/N: Hi everyone! Here's the next chapter! I hope you like it! Please go vote for the baby names!

Requested by: @ee__xxx. Thanks, @tom_haz for helping!

Dawn's POV

It's been 1 month since the Midterms. A lot has happened. Isabel is halfway through her first trimester. Milo is now a little bigger and he is trained. Tom has been busy with work, even though he's not doing movies right now, he's been reading scripts. My friends and I have set up a fundraiser for Spirit Week at our school next week. 

The fundraiser is today at 4 o'clock. It's currently 3:40 pm. We've spent a lot of time organizing this. We're going to the hospital for Isabel's early baby scan to see if everything is ok. We get out of the car and walk into the hospital. 

Isabel's POV

I check myself in and sit down with Dawn and Tom. We wait for a long time, 40 minutes to be exact. Dawn's fundraiser already started and she's not gonna be too happy that she's missing it. I finally get called and I follow the nurse to a room, Tom going with me. 

"Ok, Isabel is that right?" The nurse asks.

"Yes," I answer.

"And how long have you been pregnant?" Juliette, the nurse asks.

"2 months and 1 week." 

The nurse nods. She starts the ultrasound which takes about 30 minutes.  Great! Now Dawn is gonna be even madder. The ultrasound ends and we head out. I see Dawn sitting where she was before, glaring at us. We approach her and she's about to say something but Tom gives her 'the look'. She shuts her mouth and we head out of the hospital. We get in the car and the ride is silent until Dawn speaks up.

"I missed the fundraiser you know." She snaps.

"Look, we're sorry that you had to miss it, but this was a very important scan and we couldn't miss it." Tom states.

"Yeah I get it. The baby is more important than me."

"Dawn, don't say that. We love you both the same, and we thought that since you were older then you'd understand." I say.

Dawn shakes her head. "Just stop talking!"

"Dawn Holland don't talk to your mother or me like that! Understand?!" Tom scolds. Dawn just glares out the window. We get home and Dawn storms to her room. 

Dawn's POV

I storm to my room, slamming the door. I see my phone; a bunch of calls and texts from my friends. I immediately text back in our group chat.

Dawn🌄: Hey guys. Sorry I missed the fundraiser. My we had to go to the doctor for my mom's ultrasound and it took forever.

Briana😘: No worries girl. We can do it again tomorrow.

Addison💎: It's alright!

Dallas🌊: No worries. You're all good.

Claire✨: It's ok

Josh👓: It's cool.

Paddy✌: That's fine. Just meet up with us tomorrow

Adam🏆: No worries

Alan⚽: It's ok. (He was added back)

Brad🎮: It's chill

Shawn🏳‍🌈: It's ok Dawn

I put my phone down and play with Milo. I hear a knock at my door and see Tom and Isabel come in. I look up at him and get angry.

"We need to talk." He states.

"No we actually don't" I snap.

"Look, we're sorry. The schedules got all mixed up and the appointment took forever." Isabel says.

I look up. "It's ok. I can go tomorrow too."

"What time tomorrow?" Tom asks.

"Same time," I say. Tom nods and we all hug. I love this family.

A/N: I hope you liked the chapter! Please comment on what you want to happen and go vote!

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