Parent-Teacher Day

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A/N: You guys blew up the last chapter! You all really want me to continue! I am happy to write hundreds of more chapters. So, here's the next chapter. 

Thanks, @ClareBachmayer for requesting this prompt.

Thanks, @EmbyLou and @tom_haz  for helping me.

Tom's POV

Today is Saturday, the Parent-Teacher Day at Dawn's school. I had scheduled a meeting with the principal yesterday to tell him about Lexi. I'm not telling Dawn that I'm going, because she'll be really mad. We're all eating breakfast. I get up cuz I need to leave.

"Where are you going?" Dawn asks.

"I, uh, I need to go to the market to get some eggs." I lie.

"Ok." Dawn states.

"I need your phone," I state.

"Why?" She asks.

"I just need it for a little. Where is it?"

"My room." Dawn states. I sigh in relief and go to Dawn's room. I kiss Isabel bye and leave. I drive to the school and park. There are a lot of parents here. The hallway is filled with parents and staff. I check my watch. I have 5 minutes until my meeting. I walk into the office and wait. 5 minutes later, Mr. Wilson invites me into his office.

"Hello Mr. Holland, you wanted to meet with me?"

"Yes," I say sitting down. "It's about Dawn."

"What about her?" 

"Well, first off, her behavior last Thursday was unacceptable, but she had a reason."

"What might that be?" Mr. Wilson asks.

"Well, Lexi has been bullying Dawn for a while now."

"Oh, well do you have any proof of this?" The principal asks. I show him the texts from Dawn's phone. "Well, I will inform Lexi and her parents about this. I'll give them a call. This will not happen again."

"Thank you." I get up and shake his hand.

"Feel free to call me if anything else happens." He gives me his card. I head out feeling relieved. I get in the car and drive home.

I open the door and see Dawn walk downstairs. She has a confused look on her face.

"Hey. Didn't you go to the market?" She ask suspiciously.

"Uh." I panic, realizing that I don't have grocery bags. "It was packed?" 

"Oh ok. Can I have my phone?" 

"Yeah." I reach to my back pocket where the phone is. I take the phone out and Mr. Wilson's card falls out.

Dawn's POV

I see a piece of paper fall on the floor. That looks familiar. I pick it up. It's Mr. Wilson's card, why is this here?  

"Why do you have Mr. Wilson's weird card?" I ask.

"Um...I got it when I picked you up on Thursday." 

I shrug, not thinking anything about it, and go to my room. 

Time skip to around 7:00 pm. 

We're all eating dinner and I can't help but wonder if Tom really went to the store and if he really got the card when I got in trouble. 

"Dad, did you really go to the store? Addison's mom was there and she said it was not packed." I state a bit bluntly.

Tom chokes on his food. "Um, no actually. I went to your school and told Mr. Wilson about Lexi so she would stop bothering you." 

"What!? Why would you do that?! I trusted you and told you not to!"

"Dawn, I'm your dad. Don't speak to me that way."

"That doesn't mean you can tell the school about Lexi!"

"Dawn, honey, this will help stop all the drama and no one else will get hurt." Isabel comments.

"You knew too?!" I exclaim Isabel stays silent.

" I can't trust anyone in this house!" I get up and storm off. I hear Tom call after me.

"Dawn Sarah Holland get back here right no-!" He doesn't finish his sentence because I slam my bedroom door. I plop onto my bed. Ugh! Adults are so annoying! Did Tom really have to tell the school? NO, he didn't! Did he? YES. I am snapped out of my thoughts by a knock at my door. I look up and see Tom open the door. I plop my head back into my pillow, not caring about what he's going to explain.

"Dawn, we need to talk." He states.

"No we don't." I roll onto my side, my back facing him. 

"Dawn. Telling the school was the right thing to do. As much as you hate it, they can help."

"How? How can they help?! They can't banish Lexi to the underworld?" I exclaims.

"Dawn. The worst that'll happen is that Lexi keeps being mean to you. And now that the school knows, they can help." 

I sigh, not wanting to admit that he's right. "I guess."

"Everything will be fine darling. We're here for you." Tom hugs me. I hug him back. Yeah everything will be alright.

A/N: I hope you enjoyed it! Please comment on what you want to happen!

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