Hosting Parties

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Dawn's POV

I'm at the dog park with Tom and Tessa. It's been a month since we started filming and it's all been great. We are currently sitting on a bench watching Tessa interact with a small corgi. 

"Dawn, I need to leave for filming tonight. The directors only need me and a few others, they didn't ask for you. It's a night shoot so I'm giving you 3 options. 1. You stay with Harry, Sam, Paddy and my parents, 2. You stay with Harrison, or 3. You stay alone. Now, I'm only suggesting this because I think you're mature and responsible enough to stay alone for one night and-"

"I choose number 3." I interrupt.

"Ok that means that you'll stay alone the whole night. I'll have my brothers text you to make sure everything is ok, but you're on your own. And please don't throw a party or have anyone over." Tom states.

" Ok. I think I can handle one night alone. What time do you have to leave?" I ask.

"Well, the set is about 2 hours away, so I'll leave at 5," Tom answers as we walk back to the car. We are driving home and I text my group chat with my friends.

Alan 😍

Dawn🌄: Hey guys. My dad's leaving tonight for a night shoot. Party at my place!  Get the word out and invite anyone and everyone you know and don't tell ur parents! Come at 5:30 to help me set up. Bring stuff for the party.

Addison💎: Queen! I'm in!

Brad😎: I'm down. I'll bring snacks. 

Josh😃: I'll bring drinks.

Alan😍: Oooo my rebellious girlfriend knows what's up!

Dallas🌊: I'll bring decorations and lights!

Briana😘: Me too!

Adam😆: I'll be the DJ!

Dawn🌄: Paddy you coming?

Paddy🌟: Eh, why not I need a night out. I'll just tell my brothers I'm going to a party and won't say whos party.

Dawn🌄: Cool. If you're inviting anyone tell them the party starts at 7.

We get home and sooner than later, it's 5. 

"Ok, there's spaghetti in the fridge, just microwave that, I'm taking Tessa to Harrison's so that's one less thing to worry about, and no one's coming over right?" Tom says.

"Right. Don't worry I got this. Go have fun. The house won't burn down." (I decided that they now live in a house not an apartment cuz it takes less time to type house out. Ik I'm lazy.)

"Ok I love you. Stay safe and remember Harry and Sam will text you every now and then." Tom kisses me on the forehead and heads out. I run upstairs and go put on a cute outfit.

 I run upstairs and go put on a cute outfit

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