Summer Job Here We Come

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A/N: Go check out my other story! Requests are open for both stories! thanks to @tom_haz for this idea

Tom's POV

It's the next day and Dawn hasn't said a word to me. Only yes, no, and ok. She had finished cleaning up yesterday and headed straight to her room. Now, we're on our way to the pool for her summer job. 

"You excited?" I ask. I'm still keeping my spirits high even though Dawn isn't cooperating.

"No." She states, glaring at the window. She takes out her phone, yes her phone. I gave it to her for emergencies only. 

"Well we're here," I say parking the car. "I'll come pick you up when you're done."

"K." She says not turning around. 

"Bye," I yell. I don't get a response. I sigh and get back in the car. Teenagers. I call Harrison for some help. 

"Hey Tom! What's up?" He asks.

"It's Dawn-"

"What happened?! Is she ok?!" 

"She's fine, but she's been ignoring me ever since the party."

"Ohhhhh. That's tough."

"Did I go too far with grounding her?" 

"Mate, she got freaking drunk. You should've seen her that day, she could nearly stand up straight. You did the right thing. She'll get over it. You gotta give her time."

"Thanks man! See you later!"

"Bye!" Haz says and I hang up. 

Dawn's POV

"Hi I'm here for my job as a lifeguard," I inform the girl at the front desk.

"Right this way." She takes me to the staff room and opens up a locker with multiple things inside. There's my lifeguard swimsuit, a whistle, and a first aid kit. "This is your locker. Number 23. Do you have a lock?" 

"Yeah." I hand her my lock. 

"Welcome to the Kingston Pool. You will start at stand number 5. We switch lifeguard stands every hour. I'm Hope by the way."

"Dawn. Nice to meet you." 

"I'm on stand 6 so if u need anything I'm not too far away."

"Ok thanks!" She walks away. I put my stuff in the locker, grab my sunglasses, thee whistle, and go change into the swimsuit.

 I put my stuff in the locker, grab my sunglasses, thee whistle, and go change into the swimsuit

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I walk outside and bump into a boy.

"I'm so sorry. I didn't see where I was looking." He says. 

"No it's alright." I look up and his blue, ocean eyes meet my hazel green eyes.

"I'm Shawn." He has straight, blonde hair.

"Dawn." I shake his hand. "Sorry I gotta get to work."

"What stand are you in?" He asks. 

"5" I answer.

"I'm in stand 4." He follows me. I get up on my stand and see the pool from a different point of view. 

"Hey cutie." I hear from the bottom of my stand. I look down and see Alan.

"Hey baby!" 

"Come down," Alan commands.

"No can do, I'm working."

"Just one second. I wanna kiss you." 

"Fine!" I come down the stand. Alan wraps his arms around my waist. I kiss him for a minute. "I gotta go," I say as our lips separate.

"One more peck." Alan insists. I peck his lips and he lets go of my waist. I get back up and Alan sits down by my stand with his feet in the water. 

"I'll wait for you Dawn." I smile down at him. 

"I love you." 

"I love you too." An hour passes and I hop down my stand. Alan meets me and I have a 30-minute break so we go get ice cream at the snack bar at the pool. Alan generously pays and we sit down and eat. I take a bit of his ice cream with my spoon. 

"Hey!" He exclaims.

"You can have some of mine," I reply. Alan takes a bit, but instead of eating it, he touches the spoon to my nose, getting ice cream at the tip of it. Instead of retaliating, I wipe the ice cream off and lick it. "Yum!" 

Time skip to the end of the day: Brought to you by Droney. (The drone on Peter's spider suit in homecoming.)

After a long day of work, I grab my stuff from my locker and head out. I see Tom's car parked. Ugh, the happiness I felt for 5 hours, gone in 2 seconds. I get in the car and buckle my seatbelt. 

"How was your first day?" He asks. 

"Good," I say with little energy. Tom sighs and begins to drive home. We get home and I immediately hop out of the car. I go upstairs to shower. I change into my pajamas and hang up my swimsuit to dry. I blow dry my hair and open up my computer. I see my phone ding with a text from Tom

Dad: Put your phone in my room, please

Dawn: No

Dad: now

Dawn: No!

I look up and see Tom open the door. "Give me your phone. Now."

I scoff and toss my phone towards him. He luckily catches it. "Happy now?" 

"No actually. This horrible attitude has to go. I get that you're mad and that's fine, but the attitude has to go. Got it?" 

"Yes sir," I answer meekly.

"Thank you. Dinner will be ready soon." Tom says as he's closing the door.  

"Ugh!" I scream into my pillow. I grab my computer and go on Wattpad. This has been a long day.

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