Senior Prom prt 2

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A/N: Here's the next chapter. I hope you enjoy it!

We're #1 in #paddyholland!! Thank you so much! I couldn't have done this without you all!

Tom's POV

The doorbell rings, it's time to meet Lucas. I'm nervous, I just don't want Dawn's heart to break again. I open the door and see him. He is wearing a suit and tie, holding flowers.

"Hi, Lucas. I'm Tom." I introduce myself.

"Hi." Lucas greets. I welcome him inside and we make small talk. 

"So Lucas, where are you from?" I ask

"Greece." He answers. I nod. Isabel comes and greets Lucas. We hear the sound of heels come down the stairs. 

Lucas' POV

I see Dawn walk down the stairs. She looks beautiful. Her eyes meet mine, she has little sparked in them, those gorgeous brown eyes. I still remember the way I felt the first time we met.


I was in the middle of the  H hall, not knowing where my class was. 

"Hey, do you need help?"  I heard a voice. I turned around and saw her... the most beautiful girl I'd ever seen.

"U-um, you know where class 111 is?"

"Oh yeah, I'm heading that way too. Come with me." She said. Dawn lead me to our class. "So, where are you from?"

"Greece" I stated

"Nice, my parents went to Greece for their honeymoon."

I noded. "What's your name?"

"I'm Dawn."

"I'm, Lucas." We got to class and sit together. She introduced me to some of her friends and before I knew it, I had a whole new group of friends. I sat with them at lunch. In 8th period, I got Dawn's number.

"Hey Dawn, can I have your number?" I asked, scratching the back of my head.

"Yeah, of course." She gave me her number.

"Ok, your contact name will be Eos."


"Yeah, that's the goddess of the dawn."

"That's pretty. What should your Greek God name be?" She smiled.

"Well, the name Lucas means brightness and shine, so the god of the sun? His name is Helios."

"Helios it is." She stated and we headed our separate ways.

End of Flashback

"You look like a goddess," I say.

"Thanks, you look like a god." She complements. We take some pictures and then head to the dance.

Dawn's POV

We get to the school and Tom drops us off. He gives Lucas the 'dad talk' and rides off. Lucas and I enter the gym. I see everyone dressed up all fancy and nice. I take some pictures with Dallas, Addison, Briana, and Claire. We all dance on the dance floor. The slow song comes on. I see Lucas come over to me.

"May I have this dance?"

"Of course you may." I grab his hand and he leads me to the dance floor. The song Photograph by Ed Sheeran begins to play.

Begin to play

We begin swaying back and forth, the song keeps playing. I look into Lucas' rare cognac eyes. They are so beautiful. His dark brown hair flows in motion. I feel his hands on my back holding me close. His smile brightens my day. He's amazing. I look deep into his eyes and the next thing I know, I'm leaning towards him. I close my eyes and feel his lips touch mine. Sparks fly through me. His hands move and they clutch my cheeks. I move my hands and they lay on the back of his neck. Our lips separate and I smile up at him. He smiles back. We keep dancing and I feel amazing. Later, it's time for Prom King and Queen. I was nominated, so was Alan, Lucas, Dallas, and Addison.

"Ok! Gather around! It's time to announce the Prom Queen and King. First, may our nominees come to the stage." The MC announces. We all go up on stage. I stand next to Dallas and Addison. 

"It's time to announce the Prom King! The prom king, the person, the students voted for is...
"Alan Morcok!" People cheer and Alan steps up to get his crown. They place the crown on his head and Alan smiles. "Now, your Prom queen is...Dawn Holland!" 

I gasp and step to get my tiara. They place it on my head and I look up at all my classmates.

"Now, it's time for our king and queen to dance." The MC says. I gulp.

Alan's POV

"Wait!" I call. "Can I borrow the mic?" The MC hands me the mic.
"This isn't right. I've been a big jerk to your Prom Queen and she doesn't deserve it. I broke her heart for stupid and selfish reasons. And now, she is with a handsome, kind, young man. The way she looks at him, she never looked at me like that. With her eyes full of love. They've only known each other for a few months and are like Harrison and Tom, inseparable. I want to do the right thing."Alan looks to me and then to the crowd. "Lucas Galanis, get up here man."

Lucas gets up on the stage.  "What's going on dude?"

Alan takes his crown off. "Your Dawn's king. You've always been." He places the crown on Lucas' head. "Your Prom King and Queen of 2020!" I announce. Everyone cheers. "Now, I think you two need to dance."

Lucas' POV

I help Dawn down the stage and we go to the dance floor. We begin to dance. God! She's amazing! 
I spin her and she laughs. Her laugh makes me laugh, her smile is contagious and could light up the whole world. Her hair flows and falls perfectly into place. Dawn's eyes are endless, they are so deep and wise. She is so incredible.

"You're incredible," I whisper into her ear.

"You're amazing too. Thank you." She whispers.

"For what?"

"For coming into my life and making me feel like this." 

"Your welcome. Thank you for helping the lost Greek boy in H hall." I laugh. Dawn kisses me, the butterflies in my stomach flutter like crazy. 

I think I'm in love

A/N: I hope you liked the chapter. Please comment and vote.

Comment what you want to happen in the next chapter.

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