Fighting Back

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A/N: Hey everyone! I hope you like this chapter.  It's Thursday in this sorry btw.

Dawn's POV

I am walking to the bus stop.  I covered up the scratches on my cheek, and the bruise with makeup. I decided to not wear white, we all know what happened last time.

 I decided to not wear white, we all know what happened last time

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I get to the bus stop and see Paddy. 

"Hi." I greet, but I don't get a response. "Are you still mad at me about the whole Lexi situation?"

"Yeah I am. I keep telling you to tell Tom but you refuse." He answers.

"I'll tell him if it gets bad."

"It's already bad! She hurt you and told you to kill yourself."

"I'm not telling him. He wouldn't understand anyway."

"Yeah he actually would."

"No he wouldn't. It's not like he was bullied when he was younger." (He actually was. EDUCATE YOURSELF!)

"You sure about that? Try being a boy in a musical doing ballet."

My eyes grew wide. "What?! How did I not know this?"

"Tom doesn't talk about it all that much. Now that you know that will you still talk to him?"

"Nope. He doesn't have to know. This is between me and Lexi. No one else."

"Suit yourself. But if she pulls another stunt I'm telling Tom right when I see him." Paddy demands. I roll my eyes and get on the bus. We get to school and the classes go by peacefully. Everything is fine with Lexi. By fine I mean, she's only being moderately mean, like breaking my pencils, the notes, and calling me out.  Everything is chill so far. 

I am walking to my locker from fourth period when someone smashes me against the lockers. Ugh Lexi. I turn around and see Lexi, of course. She pushes me into the lockers again, but this time she punches me on the nose. My head jerks sideways and blood spews out of my nose. Oh it's on!  I push her and free myself from being sandwiched against Lexi and the lockers. I punch her right on the eye. She steps back in surprise.

"Yeah, I can throw a punch too," I state. This makes Lexi even angrier because she comes running and tackles me, once again my body hits the lockers. A loud groan escapes my lips. Oh that's gonna leave a bruise for sure. I knee Lexi in the stomach and she lets go of me. All the students crowd around us. Lexi punches me in the face and kicks me. Come on Dawn!  I push her and punch her in the face. Her lip pours out blood. The more we fight the more I realize that Lexi had anger issues. She tackles me to the ground. I fall on my back, her on top of me. She punches me over and over, my head moving side to side. I use all my strength and move so I'm on top of her. The blood from my nose drips down on her. She kicks me gets up. Wow this girl really doesn't give up. Lexi kicks me right in the ribs and I stumble back. She comes and punches me again. We keep hitting each other until the Principle comes and breaks us up. 

"My office. Now!" He yells. The crowd scatters and I look up at Lexi. Oof. I really did a number on her. She has a black eye, some cuts that are bleeding, and her lip is gushing out blood, and a big cut across her forehead. Guess she doesn't look so pretty now. Well to be honest, neither do I. I have a black eye too, my nose is gushing out blood, I have some bruises on my back and on my chest, and my lip is bleeding too. We follow the principal to his office.

"Go to the nurse while I call your parents." He orders. We nod and walk to the nurse's office.

"You look even uglier with all the blood across your face." Lexi mocks.

"I could say the same for you," I mumble. We get to the nurse and she gives us some tissues and ice packs. I clean the blood and make my nose stop bleeding. There is still some dry blood under my nose but I just let it be. After cleaning ourselves up, we walk back to the office. Mr. Wilson, the principal, tells us to sit outside of his office to wait for our parents to get here.

Tom's POV

I'm reading the script for my new movie when my phone rings. It's Dawn's school that's weird. 

"Hello," I answer the call.

"Hi, Mr. Holland. We need you to come to the school please." I hear the Principal's voice

"What happened?"

"Well, Dawn got into a fight."

I sigh. "I'm on my way." Ugh! I walk to my room to tell Isabel that I'm heading out. I walk in and she's working, looking at her computer. "Hey I need to head out."

"Where are you going?"

"Going to Dawn's school. Apparently she got into a fight."

"What!? With who?"

I shrug. "I don't know. Gonna ask her though." Isabel nods and I head out. I get into the car and a rush of anger goes through my body. I drive to school, planning what I'm gonna say. I park and walk into the building. I step into the office and go up to one of the office ladies.

"Hi. I got called here by the principal." I state plainly.

"Right this way." The lady leads me down a small hall to the principal's door. I look over to a couch nearby where Dawn and some other girl is sitting. Dawn doesn't look well. I can't help but worry a bit. But I'm still angry. Why would she get into a fight, that's not like her. The principal opens the door and I walk in.

"Hello Mr. Holland. Please, sit down." Mr. Wilson insists. I sit down and Mr. Wilson begins to explain.

"What happened?" I ask.

"Well, your daughter, Dawn, got into a fight with one of her classmates, Lexi Stanfield." The principal states. He continues explaining and shows me the security camera video. There are Dawn and Lexi punching each other like there's no tomorrow. I grimace inside, but keep a straight, stone-cold, face. The clip ends and I'm even angrier than before.

"So what happens now?" I ask, trying to calm down.

"Well, the two girls will be suspended for a week. They can come back next Thursday." The principal states. I nod and get up, shaking his hand. I walk out of the office and walk to Dawn.

"Grab your stuff from your locker, we're leaving," I say sternly. Dawn gets up and throws the ice pack away.

Dawn's POV

I walk slowly behind Tom. Dang he's really angry. But it wasn't my fault. Lexi started it. Ugh! I hate this! I walk faster past Tom and go to my locker. He looks up as I breeze past him. I get to my locker and grab everything I need. Slamming the locker door close, it makes a loud noise. Oops. Bit too loud. I shrug it off and walk back over to Tom.

"Ok let's go." He states in an angry tone. We get to the car and begin driving home. There is an awkward silence, Tom starting at the road ahead intensely. I just stare out the window trying not to let my anger out.


A/N: Hope you liked it!

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